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Please contact our communications agency to request interviews, submit briefings or inquire about information.

Please contact our communications agency to request interviews, submit briefings or inquire about information.

Please contact our communications agency to request interviews, submit briefings or inquire about information.

Loures Consultoria

Thais de Araujo
(+55) 11 99137-0064

Luci Anunciato
(+55) 11 99522-8600

Jonathas Ruiz
(+55) 11 99385-7406


Digitalização e ampliação da oferta com a entrada em produtos de graduação, certificação e lifelong learning são os objetivos da instituição com a nova captação

A 10b, gestora integrada à SK Tarpon, e à Good Karma Ventures, gestora de investimentos com foco em negócios de impacto, anunciam a aquisição de participação minoritária relevante (33% do negócio) no Rehagro, considerado um dos principais players de educação em agronegócio no País.

Com o objetivo de potencializar ainda mais o setor por meio da formação de mão de obra qualificada, o aporte realizado visa contribuir com o processo de digitalização do negócio, bem como com a entrada da instituição em cursos de graduação, de certificação de competências e em novos produtos para suprir as lacunas de conhecimento dos diversos profissionais do agronegócio durante toda a sua trajetória acadêmica e profissional. A expectativa é que, com o apoio das gestoras, o Rehagro atinja um faturamento de R$ 250 milhões em um horizonte de até cinco anos.

Atualmente, o grupo possui forte atuação em capacitação, educação corporativa e cursos de pós-graduação nas cadeias de corte, leite, grãos, café e em gestão do agronegócio.

A parceria para esse investimento entre 10b e GK Ventures é resultado do alinhamento de propósitos entre as gestoras e a investida. Criado em 2002, o Rehagro iniciou suas atividades como uma empresa especializada na consultoria de fazendas e evoluiu seu modelo para educação no agronegócio, levando conhecimento técnico e aplicável para o setor, onde já formou mais de 25 mil alunos.

Para a 10b, a iniciativa complementa uma série de investimentos que a gestora vem realizando no agronegócio, setor que conta com 20% da população ocupada, de acordo com pesquisa do Cepea (Centro de Estudos Avançados em Economia Aplicada). “Nosso País tem potencial de ser o protagonista na agenda de sustentabilidade no agronegócio, e ajudar a qualificar profissionais é fundamental para colocar este setor no patamar que ele merece, no Brasil e no mundo”, diz André de Escobar, sócio da 10b.

No caso da GK Ventures, esse é o segundo aporte realizado pela gestora a partir da captação de R$ 400 milhões finalizada no ano passado. “O Rehagro atua em um mercado extremamente relevante para o crescimento e resolução de problemas do País por meio da promoção da educação, conhecimento e capacitação, algo totalmente alinhado a nossa estratégia de investimento”, afirma Thomaz Pacheco, sócio-fundador da GK Ventures.

Já para o Rehagro, o investimento representa o início de um novo ciclo de crescimento. “Queremos continuar transformando vidas por meio do agronegócio e nos tornarmos a grande referência em educação para o setor na América Latina. Estaremos cada vez mais perto dos nossos clientes e alunos, tanto fisicamente como digitalmente”, afirmam Clóvis Corrêa e Fábio Corrêa fundadores do Rehagro.

A 10b foi criada com o propósito de ajudar a alimentar 10 bilhões de pessoas de forma mais saudável e sustentável, empresariando e investindo em empresas públicas e privadas nos setores de agronegócio e alimentos. Já a GK Ventures tem como foco o investimento em negócios que apresentem propósito e impacto, ou seja, empresas que tenham o compromisso de criar resultados positivos e mensuráveis para a sociedade, além de retornos financeiros atrativos.

Sobre o Rehagro

O Rehagro é uma empresa de educação com foco no agronegócio. Foi fundado em 2002 com um sonho em comum entre os sócios: transformar vidas por meio do agronegócio. Desde o início da sua trajetória, o Rehagro segue levando conhecimento aplicável para milhares de profissionais do campo. O foco da instituição é ser uma ponte de aprendizado, que transforma a ciência em ferramentas e metodologias acessíveis aos produtores rurais, consultores e operadores das empresas do agronegócio. Isso é conquistado diariamente com os cursos de capacitação e pós-graduação, que são aplicados em modelos on-line, híbridos e presenciais. Mais de 25 mil pessoas já foram impactadas positivamente com o ensino do Rehagro, sendo que, deste número total, 5 mil se tornaram especialistas com as pós-graduações. Além da educação personalizada, o Rehagro também presta serviços de consultoria em 17 estados brasileiros, sendo acompanhados por técnicos de alto nível e reconhecidos no mercado. A empresa também oferece soluções em diagnósticos, por meio dos laboratórios de análises de solos e forragem, onde a equipe especializada transforma dados em informações, que permitem a tomada de decisão baseada em números e geração de inteligência. O Rehagro é um ecossistema com atuação em todo o país.

Sobre a 10b

A 10b articula talento, capital e propósito na busca por ajudar a alimentar 10 bilhões de pessoas de forma mais saudável e sustentável. Como investidores de longo prazo, a gestora tem uma abordagem flexível de investimento, cofundando e apoiando tanto startups como empresas estabelecidas em forte crescimento, inclusive as de capital aberto, desde que gerem mudança e impacto positivo na cadeia de alimentos. A 10b faz parte do ecossistema SK Tarpon, que acumula quase 20 anos de atuação no mercado e R$ 20 bilhões investidos, sendo um dos grupos de investimento independentes mais experientes do Brasil, que tem como característica selecionar empresas com grande potencial de criação de valor no longo prazo.

Sobre a GK Ventures

A GK Ventures existe para reunir talento, recursos e conhecimento por trás da solução de problemas relevantes do mundo atual. É uma gestora de investimentos de impact growth, buscando participações minoritárias, com governança, em companhias já estabelecidas e em crescimento nos setores de educação, saúde e mudanças climáticas. A GK Ventures tem o objetivo de impulsionar projetos e negócios capazes de promover impacto e fazer a diferença na sociedade. Portanto, investe em empresas, nas quais a geração de impacto é incorporada ao modelo de negócio, com contribuição aos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável das Nações Unidas (ODS), e que possuem retornos financeiros competitivos.

Informações para a Imprensa

SK Tarpon e GK Ventures

Jonathas Ruiz – – (11) 993857406

Luci Anunciato – – (11) 99522-8600


Bárbara Linhares – – (31) 98467-4215

Companhias formam aliança estratégica para a digitalização definitiva do setor

A Trizy, startup que atua no desenvolvimento de tecnologias para logística, com soluções para gestão de transportes, ferramentas de aquisição de fretes, agendamento de cargas e um app para caminhoneiros, acaba de receber um aporte da nstech, maior plataforma aberta de tecnologia para logística e mobilidade da América Latina criada pela Niche Partners — polo do ecossistema SK Tarpon — com participação relevante do fundo Greenbridge.

A startup, que vem se destacando como uma das empresas de maior impacto no segmento e que apresentou um crescimento de 415% em transações realizadas dentro de sua plataforma em 2021, chamou a atenção da nstech, que decidiu fazer o investimento e passa a atuar de forma relevante, com 20% no quadro de investidores da empresa.

“A jornada da Trizy nestes últimos dois anos é impressionante. A visão de futuro é muito alinhada com a da nstech. O portifólio de produtos são complementares e trabalhamos com o mesmo propósito de digitalizar a logística, gerando valor para toda a cadeia, especialmente os caminhoneiros. Estamos muito felizes de poder fazer parte desta jornada”, comenta Vasco Oliveira, CEO e sócio da nstech.

Com operações no México, Colômbia, Peru e Equador, a nstech é composta por 19 empresas com mais de 45 mil clientes ativos, atuando com soluções que permeiam todo ecossistema de logística, sendo líder em TMS, gerenciamento de risco, serviços e produtos de tecnologia para gestão de seguros. Possui mais de 30 mil transportadores clientes e um banco de dados de mais de 2 milhões de motoristas.

“Estamos muito contentes com a chegada da nstech. Poder receber um investidor estratégico deste porte cria possibilidades reais de negócio, além do investimento financeiro. Estamos animados para aprender com a jornada da empresa e contribuir para o crescimento deles também”, afirma Renato Gouveia, CEO e sócio da Trizy.

A Trizy, que nasceu dentro do ecossistema de negócios da empresa de tecnologia KMM, já havia recebido um investimento do Grupo Cosan em 2019 e se mantem independente na sua gestão. Conectada com o ecossistema da nstech, a companhia segue avançando com o objetivo de manter sua taxa de crescimento de três dígitos. “Combinando os portfólios nstech e Trizy, vamos construir uma experiência única para os nossos clientes e usuários. Contratar tudo o que é necessário para gerenciar uma operação logística com alguns cliques passa a ser uma realidade viável no curto prazo”, ressalta Renato Gouveia.

O projeto terá importante impacto econômico e social. Ao contribuir para o aumento da produtividade e competitividade principalmente do transporte rodoviário, ambas as empresas ajudarão de maneira efetiva a classe de caminheiros, que tem sofrido com a alta dos combustíveis e da taxa de juros e que é um setor que ainda enfrenta falta de conectividade e padronização nos serviços.

“A ideia é acelerar ainda mais esse processo de digitalização e crescimento no setor de logística, trazendo mais produtividade e ajudando a reduzir o custo Brasil. Atualmente, o país gasta quase 12,3% do seu PIB no segmento, contra pouco mais de 7,8% nos Estados Unidos, e o uso intensivo da tecnologia tem papel fundamental para a redução desse gap”, analisa Vasco Oliveira.

No atual cenário, os veículos rodam vazios em mais de 40% do tempo e o acesso ao crédito com taxas competitivas é uma das grandes dores da categoria.

“Esse movimento é particularmente importante em um momento em que o Brasil está conseguindo avançar na sua agenda de infraestrutura com aumento da malha ferroviária e cabotagem, que são fundamentais para reduzir a ineficiência do País, mas que põe ainda mais pressão na categoria do transporte rodoviário, que é a grande responsável pela movimentação de bens, sobretudo no ambiente doméstico”, explica Eduardo Steinberg membro do Conselho de Administração da nstech e sócio da Greenbridge.

A operação depende do aval do Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE).

Sobre a nstech

A nstech é a maior plataforma de tecnologia para logística da América Latina. Criada em 2021, a tese é gerenciada pela Niche Partners, braço do ecossistema da SK Tarpon, e contempla 19 empresas que possuem mais de 45 mil clientes ativos, configurando o maior banco de dados do setor. A nstech apoia as empresas do grupo a serem mais eficientes na sua logística: otimização de recursos financeiros, entregas mais rápidas, redução de emissão de CO2, acidentes e roubos.

O propósito de reunir as empresas no guarda-chuva da nstech é gerar valor para o País por meio da otimização do setor logístico, contribuindo com o sucesso, crescimento e rentabilidade de cinco grandes categorias de clientes: motoristas, transportadores, embarcadores, corretores de seguro e seguradoras que atuam no transporte de carga.

Tem como inspiração a história de um parceiro, a Hexagon, empresa sueca que possui Ola Rollen como CEO, principal acionista e chairman da Greenbridge. Em 20 anos de história, a Hexagon saiu de uma empresa focada no seu país de origem para atuar globalmente com tecnologia de ponta. Possui atualmente um market cap de aproximadamente Us$ 40 bilhões. Está nos planos da nstech uma abertura de capital a partir de 2023 para ajudar a viabilizar esse plano de expansão.

Sobre a Trizy

A Trizy é uma plataforma digital de serviços para o mercado de transporte de cargas e relacionamento entre embarcadores, transportadoras e caminhoneiros.

Com um aplicativo dedicado aos caminhoneiros, que já ultrapassou 300 mil downloads e possui funcionalidades de roteirização, cálculo de pedágio e consumo de combustível, a startup proporciona a ferramenta diária para maximização de rentabilidade e eliminação de ineficiências desta categoria.

A startup já acumula mais de R$ 2,5 bilhões em cargas transacionadas e quase 4 milhões de agendamentos de cargas realizados, alcançou a marca de 103 mil caminhoneiros ativos mensalmente em sua plataforma.

Informações para a imprensa

SK Tarpon/ nstech
Loures Consultoria
Jonathas Ruiz –
Luci Anunciato –

Loures Consultoria
Vanessa Oliveira –
Juliana Duarte –

A plataforma, que já atende 7 mil fazendas de leite e corte em todo o território nacional, reúne soluções de biotecnologia, SaaS, IoT e inteligência artificial, voltadas a saúde animal, gestão de fazendas, rastreabilidade e crédito para o produtor

A 10b, gestora integrada à SK Tarpon, acaba de criar o maior ecossistema digital para a pecuária do Brasil. A plataforma Rúmina é resultado de uma combinação de investimentos em soluções existentes e a co-criação de novos negócios que, de forma consolidada, já atendem 7 mil fazendas de leite e corte em todo o território nacional e reúnem soluções de biotecnologia, SaaS, IoT e inteligência artificial, voltadas a saúde animal, gestão de fazendas, rastreabilidade e crédito para o produtor.

A tese (que culminou na estruturação da plataforma) começou em 2019 com o investimento na OnFarm, que combina biotecnologia e inteligência de dados para solucionar problemas relacionados à saúde animal, permitindo ao produtor reduzir em 50% o uso de antibióticos e produzir um leite de melhor qualidade. Em 2020, foi feito o investimento na Ideagri, líder no Brasil em sistema de suporte à tomada de decisão para fazendas de pecuária e que proporciona aos clientes um incremento de 10% em lucratividade. A partir dos dados gerados pelas fazendas clientes da Ideagri, nasceu o IILB, único índice de performance produtiva individual do setor de pecuária leiteira, que pontua mais de mais de 2 mil fazendas de acordo com várias métricas produtivas.

Em 2021, a 10b trouxe um time de cientistas de dados para potencializar e criar soluções para o produtor por meio de inteligência de dados. Esse movimento evoluiu para a criação da Rúmina e materializou o uso de inteligência artificial para auxiliar pecuaristas de todos os tamanhos a produzir mais e de forma mais rentável e sustentável. Nomeada Rúmi, a inteligência artificial da Rúmina foi lançada no terceiro trimestre de 2021 a partir de cada uma das soluções do ecossistema e utiliza inteligência de dados para gerar insights acionáveis, predizer chance de cura, avaliar risco de crédito e gerar alertas inteligentes.

“A criação do ecossistema coloca a Rúmina em uma posição única, com a maior e mais relevante base de dados sobre a cadeia da pecuária brasileira. O ecossistema é a materialização da união, articulada pela 10b, de empreendedores, cientistas, produtores e investidores com o propósito de liderar a transformação digital no setor da pecuária”, explica Marcelo Lima, Chairman da Rúmina e cofundador da SK Tarpon e da 10b.

Já passam pela plataforma Rúmina cerca de 10% de todo o leite produzido no País. Em 2022 já está contratada a entrada em novos mercados como Argentina, Uruguai e México.

A visão da Rúmina é viabilizar uma pecuária sustentável, com aumento da produtividade e redução da pegada de carbono, além de contribuir com o bem-estar animal em mais de 300 mil fazendas de pecuária no Brasil e na América Latina nos próximos 10 anos. “Somente em 2021, evitamos o uso de quase 230 mil doses de antibióticos, evitando o descarte de mais de 7 milhões de litros de leite e geramos uma economia de mais de R$ 17 milhões. Além disso, contribuímos para a melhoria da eficiência produtiva de milhares de fazendas, impactando de maneira única a cadeia”, afirma Laerte Cassoli, co-fundador e CEO da Rúmina.

Com a criação do ecossistema e uma abordagem centrada no pecuarista, com forte investimento em desenvolvimento e ciência de dados, a ideia é capturar sinergias de várias soluções focadas na cadeia da pecuária e no produtor, o que abre ampla possibilidade para ganhar escala.

“O Brasil é um dos principais produtores de leite e carne do mundo e o setor da pecuária passa por um momento de transformação a partir da forte adoção de tecnologias. Através da Rúmina, queremos liderar essa transformação e impactar positivamente centenas de milhares de produtores no Brasil e na América Latina além de assegurar alimento de qualidade e menor impacto no meio ambiente, muito alinhado com nosso propósito na 10b”, analisa Marcelo Lima

Novos Investimentos

Outros 3 novos investimentos foram feitos ao longo de 2021 para a materialização do ecossistema: a Volutech, a Rúmicash e a Bovitech.

A Volutech nasceu em 2020 dentro da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV) e utiliza IoT e inteligência de dados para monitorar em tempo real diversos parâmetros do tanque de resfriamento – já monitorando mais de 2 milhões de litros de leite por mês. Já a Rúmicash é uma fintech para a cadeia do leite, fundada dentro do ecossistema no terceiro trimestre de 2021 e que já movimenta uma carteira com R$ 1 milhão em operações financeiras. A fintech utiliza inteligência artificial e análise de dados de dentro e fora do ecossistema para fornecer crédito e adiantamento a produtores de leite, em um processo que leva menos de 10 minutos, sem exigência de garantia.

Como um passo para acelerar o crescimento da Rúmina na pecuária de corte, nasceu a Bovitech, no segundo trimestre de 2021, como um spin-off da Ideagri focada na pecuária de corte, oferecendo um sistema completo de apoio à tomada de decisão. Nos próximos anos, a plataforma deverá integrar novos negócios digitais que gerem valor para o produtor:

“Acreditamos que através da construção de um ecossistema, onde soluções se potencializam e sinergias são exploradas em prol do produtor, conseguiremos acelerar a escalabilidade dos negócios e possibilitar ao setor uma melhor experiência na adoção de tecnologias digitais que sustentarão uma produção mais rentável, produtiva e sustentável” examina Pedro Peixoto, cofundador da 10b e responsável pela tese da Rúmina.

Todas as soluções da Rúmina possuem modelos de negócios de receita recorrente, que em 2022 devem atingir R$ 30 milhões. Uma evidência do valor gerado pelas soluções da Rúmina são as parcerias com os principais laticínios e cooperativas do País como Piracanjuba, Lactalis, Danone, Verde Campo, Scala, Vigor, Castrolanda, Frisia, Capal, entre outros. Além disso, a Rúmina irá lançar no primeiro semestre do ano que vem a plataforma de inteligência de dados Rúmina Insights, para empresas que atuam no setor da pecuária, começando pelo leite.

Sobre a 10b

A 10b articula talento, capital e propósito criando novas condições para alimentar 10 bilhões de pessoas de forma saudável e sustentável. A gestora faz parte do ecossistema SK Tarpon, que acumula quase 20 anos de atuação no mercado, sendo um dos grupos de investimento independentes mais experientes do Brasil, que tem como característica selecionar empresas com grande potencial de criação de valor no longo prazo. A 10b aposta na co-criação de novos modelos de negócio, tecnologias e soluções inovadoras, que, comprovadamente, aumentam a produtividade e rentabilidade para o produtor, de forma sustentável e regenerativa, respeitando as necessidades e desejos dos consumidores. Sua abordagem de investimentos é flexível e contempla aportes em negócios em diferentes estágios de crescimento, inclusive em companhias de capital aberto, desde que promovam mudança e impacto positivo na cadeia de alimentos.

Brazilian AgTech is the new bet for leading investment groups: Management company 10b, a member of SK Tarpon, and Volpe Capital are leading the round and have begun to invest in creating an ecosystem to digitalize the agribusiness value chain

Brazilian AgTech company Seedz, which has been creating a technological ecosystem dedicated to agribusiness built around a relationship and engagement platform that brings together rural producers, agricultural retailers, concessions, cooperatives and agribusiness industries, has just taken another important step in its growth strategy. The company just closed a round of investments with 10b, a member of the holding company SK Tarpon, and Volpe Capital – leader of the round –, along with investment funds The Yield Lab and Tridon Participações, which are now betting on the potential of digitalizing Agro.

Much more than focusing on capital, Seedz acted strategic in this round and opted for investors that had synergies with its business model. In this way the company brought together specialized funds with experience in both agribusiness and technological solutions.

Seedz’ software works as an incentive program for rural producers and agribusiness sellers spread across hundreds of sales points for agricultural and livestock inputs, machinery and services. Its platform is the engine for connecting digital operations within farms to agricultural industries and distributors. Despite being at different levels of digitalization, Seedz aims to accelerate this process with its coalition program, thereby strengthening Brazilian agribusiness. The company’s business model combines a SaaS solution for agribusiness with a transactional model based on the sale and redemption of coins from the loyalty and incentive coalition program.

Accelerated growth

The platform currently has a base of over 900 agribusiness companies (retailers, dealers, cooperatives and industries), more than 9,000 professionals (partner company employees, commercial consultants and sellers) and thousands of registered rural producers, who benefit from software solutions and incentive, loyalty and cashback programs between users and companies. Leading and prominent companies in different agribusiness segments such as John Deere, AgroGalaxy, UPL, Yara, Helm, Belagrícola, Yoshida, Cocamar, Fiagril and Agrex use Seedz’ platform to meet different challenges in their digital transformation journeys and relationships with rural producers. Seedz also maintains a strategic partnership with the National Association of Agricultural and Veterinary Inputs Distributors (Andav) that aims to accelerate digitalization of the input distribution chain and Markestrat, a consulting company focused on enhancing the strategies of corporations in the sector .

Besides the renowned partners and despite its short time in the market, Seedz has grown in the triple digits, posting growth over the last two years in excess of 400% per annum.

To accelerate even faster, the company will invest the contributed resources to increase its team and study strategic acquisitions. Seedz expects to have more than 100 employees by the end of 2021 and expand its operations to other countries in Latin America.

Profiles of the Investors

10b recently completed 2 years with its proposal to help feed 10 billion people in a healthier and more sustainable manner. The management company is part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem, which has been operating in the market for nearly 20 years and is one of the most experienced independent investment groups in Brazil, focused on selecting companies with substantial potential to create long-term value, always aligning talent, capital and purpose. 10b invests in co-creating new business models, technologies and innovative solutions that have been proven to increase productivity and profitability for producers in a sustainable and regenerative fashion, always respecting the needs and desires of consumers. Its investment approach is flexible and includes contributions to businesses at different stages of growth, including publicly traded companies, as long as they promote change and have a positive impact on the food chain.

With more than R$500 million under management, Volpe Capital is a venture capital fund launched in 2021 with the objective of investing in technology companies that have high growth potential in Latin America. The fund is agnostic regarding the sector and stage of maturity of companies, focusing its investments in companies with defined business models, profitable unit economics and high scalability potential.
The Yield Lab was created in the United States in 2014 by a group of investors in the sector and has bases in Latin America, Buenos Aires and São Paulo and has already accelerated AgTechs in the US, Brazil (such as TerraMagna), Argentina, Peru and Chile. The Yield Lab’s mission is to help entrepreneurs sustainably revolutionize agrifood systems around the world.

The Tridon Participações fund has officially existed for about a year and a half and is linked to the Nishimura family, founders of the Jacto Group. It is an independent entity that is not officially part of the group. The fund has invested in startups, accelerators and other investment funds linked to agribusiness ecosystems in different countries.

About – Seedz is a Brazilian AgTech company that develops technological solutions for the entire agribusiness production chain. It offers business management software and incentive and loyalty programs before, inside and outside the gate. The company focuses on improving the experience between agro companies, their channels and rural producers, accelerating their digital transformation and integration journeys. Discover more by downloading the Seedz App from the Apple Store or Google Play. Learn more at

Brazilian AgTech is the new bet for leading investment groups: Management company 10b, a member of SK Tarpon, and Volpe Capital are leading the round and have begun to invest in creating an ecosystem to digitalize the agribusiness value chain

Brazilian AgTech company Seedz, which has been creating a technological ecosystem dedicated to agribusiness built around a relationship and engagement platform that brings together rural producers, agricultural retailers, concessions, cooperatives and agribusiness industries, has just taken another important step in its growth strategy. The company just closed a round of investments with 10b, a member of the holding company SK Tarpon, and Volpe Capital – leader of the round –, along with investment funds The Yield Lab and Tridon Participações, which are now betting on the potential of digitalizing Agro.

Much more than focusing on capital, Seedz acted strategic in this round and opted for investors that had synergies with its business model. In this way the company brought together specialized funds with experience in both agribusiness and technological solutions.

Seedz’ software works as an incentive program for rural producers and agribusiness sellers spread across hundreds of sales points for agricultural and livestock inputs, machinery and services. Its platform is the engine for connecting digital operations within farms to agricultural industries and distributors. Despite being at different levels of digitalization, Seedz aims to accelerate this process with its coalition program, thereby strengthening Brazilian agribusiness. The company’s business model combines a SaaS solution for agribusiness with a transactional model based on the sale and redemption of coins from the loyalty and incentive coalition program.

Accelerated growth

The platform currently has a base of over 900 agribusiness companies (retailers, dealers, cooperatives and industries), more than 9,000 professionals (partner company employees, commercial consultants and sellers) and thousands of registered rural producers, who benefit from software solutions and incentive, loyalty and cashback programs between users and companies. Leading and prominent companies in different agribusiness segments such as John Deere, AgroGalaxy, UPL, Yara, Helm, Belagrícola, Yoshida, Cocamar, Fiagril and Agrex use Seedz’ platform to meet different challenges in their digital transformation journeys and relationships with rural producers. Seedz also maintains a strategic partnership with the National Association of Agricultural and Veterinary Inputs Distributors (Andav) that aims to accelerate digitalization of the input distribution chain and Markestrat, a consulting company focused on enhancing the strategies of corporations in the sector .

Besides the renowned partners and despite its short time in the market, Seedz has grown in the triple digits, posting growth over the last two years in excess of 400% per annum.

To accelerate even faster, the company will invest the contributed resources to increase its team and study strategic acquisitions. Seedz expects to have more than 100 employees by the end of 2021 and expand its operations to other countries in Latin America.

Profiles of the Investors

10b recently completed 2 years with its proposal to help feed 10 billion people in a healthier and more sustainable manner. The management company is part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem, which has been operating in the market for nearly 20 years and is one of the most experienced independent investment groups in Brazil, focused on selecting companies with substantial potential to create long-term value, always aligning talent, capital and purpose. 10b invests in co-creating new business models, technologies and innovative solutions that have been proven to increase productivity and profitability for producers in a sustainable and regenerative fashion, always respecting the needs and desires of consumers. Its investment approach is flexible and includes contributions to businesses at different stages of growth, including publicly traded companies, as long as they promote change and have a positive impact on the food chain.

With more than R$500 million under management, Volpe Capital is a venture capital fund launched in 2021 with the objective of investing in technology companies that have high growth potential in Latin America. The fund is agnostic regarding the sector and stage of maturity of companies, focusing its investments in companies with defined business models, profitable unit economics and high scalability potential.
The Yield Lab was created in the United States in 2014 by a group of investors in the sector and has bases in Latin America, Buenos Aires and São Paulo and has already accelerated AgTechs in the US, Brazil (such as TerraMagna), Argentina, Peru and Chile. The Yield Lab’s mission is to help entrepreneurs sustainably revolutionize agrifood systems around the world.

The Tridon Participações fund has officially existed for about a year and a half and is linked to the Nishimura family, founders of the Jacto Group. It is an independent entity that is not officially part of the group. The fund has invested in startups, accelerators and other investment funds linked to agribusiness ecosystems in different countries.

About – Seedz is a Brazilian AgTech company that develops technological solutions for the entire agribusiness production chain. It offers business management software and incentive and loyalty programs before, inside and outside the gate. The company focuses on improving the experience between agro companies, their channels and rural producers, accelerating their digital transformation and integration journeys. Discover more by downloading the Seedz App from the Apple Store or Google Play. Learn more at

Brazilian AgTech is the new bet for leading investment groups: Management company 10b, a member of SK Tarpon, and Volpe Capital are leading the round and have begun to invest in creating an ecosystem to digitalize the agribusiness value chain

Brazilian AgTech company Seedz, which has been creating a technological ecosystem dedicated to agribusiness built around a relationship and engagement platform that brings together rural producers, agricultural retailers, concessions, cooperatives and agribusiness industries, has just taken another important step in its growth strategy. The company just closed a round of investments with 10b, a member of the holding company SK Tarpon, and Volpe Capital – leader of the round –, along with investment funds The Yield Lab and Tridon Participações, which are now betting on the potential of digitalizing Agro.

Much more than focusing on capital, Seedz acted strategic in this round and opted for investors that had synergies with its business model. In this way the company brought together specialized funds with experience in both agribusiness and technological solutions.

Seedz’ software works as an incentive program for rural producers and agribusiness sellers spread across hundreds of sales points for agricultural and livestock inputs, machinery and services. Its platform is the engine for connecting digital operations within farms to agricultural industries and distributors. Despite being at different levels of digitalization, Seedz aims to accelerate this process with its coalition program, thereby strengthening Brazilian agribusiness. The company’s business model combines a SaaS solution for agribusiness with a transactional model based on the sale and redemption of coins from the loyalty and incentive coalition program.

Accelerated growth

The platform currently has a base of over 900 agribusiness companies (retailers, dealers, cooperatives and industries), more than 9,000 professionals (partner company employees, commercial consultants and sellers) and thousands of registered rural producers, who benefit from software solutions and incentive, loyalty and cashback programs between users and companies. Leading and prominent companies in different agribusiness segments such as John Deere, AgroGalaxy, UPL, Yara, Helm, Belagrícola, Yoshida, Cocamar, Fiagril and Agrex use Seedz’ platform to meet different challenges in their digital transformation journeys and relationships with rural producers. Seedz also maintains a strategic partnership with the National Association of Agricultural and Veterinary Inputs Distributors (Andav) that aims to accelerate digitalization of the input distribution chain and Markestrat, a consulting company focused on enhancing the strategies of corporations in the sector .

Besides the renowned partners and despite its short time in the market, Seedz has grown in the triple digits, posting growth over the last two years in excess of 400% per annum.

To accelerate even faster, the company will invest the contributed resources to increase its team and study strategic acquisitions. Seedz expects to have more than 100 employees by the end of 2021 and expand its operations to other countries in Latin America.

Profiles of the Investors

10b recently completed 2 years with its proposal to help feed 10 billion people in a healthier and more sustainable manner. The management company is part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem, which has been operating in the market for nearly 20 years and is one of the most experienced independent investment groups in Brazil, focused on selecting companies with substantial potential to create long-term value, always aligning talent, capital and purpose. 10b invests in co-creating new business models, technologies and innovative solutions that have been proven to increase productivity and profitability for producers in a sustainable and regenerative fashion, always respecting the needs and desires of consumers. Its investment approach is flexible and includes contributions to businesses at different stages of growth, including publicly traded companies, as long as they promote change and have a positive impact on the food chain.

With more than R$500 million under management, Volpe Capital is a venture capital fund launched in 2021 with the objective of investing in technology companies that have high growth potential in Latin America. The fund is agnostic regarding the sector and stage of maturity of companies, focusing its investments in companies with defined business models, profitable unit economics and high scalability potential.
The Yield Lab was created in the United States in 2014 by a group of investors in the sector and has bases in Latin America, Buenos Aires and São Paulo and has already accelerated AgTechs in the US, Brazil (such as TerraMagna), Argentina, Peru and Chile. The Yield Lab’s mission is to help entrepreneurs sustainably revolutionize agrifood systems around the world.

The Tridon Participações fund has officially existed for about a year and a half and is linked to the Nishimura family, founders of the Jacto Group. It is an independent entity that is not officially part of the group. The fund has invested in startups, accelerators and other investment funds linked to agribusiness ecosystems in different countries.

About – Seedz is a Brazilian AgTech company that develops technological solutions for the entire agribusiness production chain. It offers business management software and incentive and loyalty programs before, inside and outside the gate. The company focuses on improving the experience between agro companies, their channels and rural producers, accelerating their digital transformation and integration journeys. Discover more by downloading the Seedz App from the Apple Store or Google Play. Learn more at

Brazilian AgTech is the new bet for leading investment groups: Management company 10b, a member of SK Tarpon, and Volpe Capital are leading the round and have begun to invest in creating an ecosystem to digitalize the agribusiness value chain

Brazilian AgTech company Seedz, which has been creating a technological ecosystem dedicated to agribusiness built around a relationship and engagement platform that brings together rural producers, agricultural retailers, concessions, cooperatives and agribusiness industries, has just taken another important step in its growth strategy. The company just closed a round of investments with 10b, a member of the holding company SK Tarpon, and Volpe Capital – leader of the round –, along with investment funds The Yield Lab and Tridon Participações, which are now betting on the potential of digitalizing Agro.

Much more than focusing on capital, Seedz acted strategic in this round and opted for investors that had synergies with its business model. In this way the company brought together specialized funds with experience in both agribusiness and technological solutions.

Seedz’ software works as an incentive program for rural producers and agribusiness sellers spread across hundreds of sales points for agricultural and livestock inputs, machinery and services. Its platform is the engine for connecting digital operations within farms to agricultural industries and distributors. Despite being at different levels of digitalization, Seedz aims to accelerate this process with its coalition program, thereby strengthening Brazilian agribusiness. The company’s business model combines a SaaS solution for agribusiness with a transactional model based on the sale and redemption of coins from the loyalty and incentive coalition program.

Accelerated growth

The platform currently has a base of over 900 agribusiness companies (retailers, dealers, cooperatives and industries), more than 9,000 professionals (partner company employees, commercial consultants and sellers) and thousands of registered rural producers, who benefit from software solutions and incentive, loyalty and cashback programs between users and companies. Leading and prominent companies in different agribusiness segments such as John Deere, AgroGalaxy, UPL, Yara, Helm, Belagrícola, Yoshida, Cocamar, Fiagril and Agrex use Seedz’ platform to meet different challenges in their digital transformation journeys and relationships with rural producers. Seedz also maintains a strategic partnership with the National Association of Agricultural and Veterinary Inputs Distributors (Andav) that aims to accelerate digitalization of the input distribution chain and Markestrat, a consulting company focused on enhancing the strategies of corporations in the sector .

Besides the renowned partners and despite its short time in the market, Seedz has grown in the triple digits, posting growth over the last two years in excess of 400% per annum.

To accelerate even faster, the company will invest the contributed resources to increase its team and study strategic acquisitions. Seedz expects to have more than 100 employees by the end of 2021 and expand its operations to other countries in Latin America.

Profiles of the Investors

10b recently completed 2 years with its proposal to help feed 10 billion people in a healthier and more sustainable manner. The management company is part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem, which has been operating in the market for nearly 20 years and is one of the most experienced independent investment groups in Brazil, focused on selecting companies with substantial potential to create long-term value, always aligning talent, capital and purpose. 10b invests in co-creating new business models, technologies and innovative solutions that have been proven to increase productivity and profitability for producers in a sustainable and regenerative fashion, always respecting the needs and desires of consumers. Its investment approach is flexible and includes contributions to businesses at different stages of growth, including publicly traded companies, as long as they promote change and have a positive impact on the food chain.

With more than R$500 million under management, Volpe Capital is a venture capital fund launched in 2021 with the objective of investing in technology companies that have high growth potential in Latin America. The fund is agnostic regarding the sector and stage of maturity of companies, focusing its investments in companies with defined business models, profitable unit economics and high scalability potential.
The Yield Lab was created in the United States in 2014 by a group of investors in the sector and has bases in Latin America, Buenos Aires and São Paulo and has already accelerated AgTechs in the US, Brazil (such as TerraMagna), Argentina, Peru and Chile. The Yield Lab’s mission is to help entrepreneurs sustainably revolutionize agrifood systems around the world.

The Tridon Participações fund has officially existed for about a year and a half and is linked to the Nishimura family, founders of the Jacto Group. It is an independent entity that is not officially part of the group. The fund has invested in startups, accelerators and other investment funds linked to agribusiness ecosystems in different countries.

About – Seedz is a Brazilian AgTech company that develops technological solutions for the entire agribusiness production chain. It offers business management software and incentive and loyalty programs before, inside and outside the gate. The company focuses on improving the experience between agro companies, their channels and rural producers, accelerating their digital transformation and integration journeys. Discover more by downloading the Seedz App from the Apple Store or Google Play. Learn more at

Brazilian AgTech is the new bet for leading investment groups: Management company 10b, a member of SK Tarpon, and Volpe Capital are leading the round and have begun to invest in creating an ecosystem to digitalize the agribusiness value chain

Brazilian AgTech company Seedz, which has been creating a technological ecosystem dedicated to agribusiness built around a relationship and engagement platform that brings together rural producers, agricultural retailers, concessions, cooperatives and agribusiness industries, has just taken another important step in its growth strategy. The company just closed a round of investments with 10b, a member of the holding company SK Tarpon, and Volpe Capital – leader of the round –, along with investment funds The Yield Lab and Tridon Participações, which are now betting on the potential of digitalizing Agro.

Much more than focusing on capital, Seedz acted strategic in this round and opted for investors that had synergies with its business model. In this way the company brought together specialized funds with experience in both agribusiness and technological solutions.

Seedz’ software works as an incentive program for rural producers and agribusiness sellers spread across hundreds of sales points for agricultural and livestock inputs, machinery and services. Its platform is the engine for connecting digital operations within farms to agricultural industries and distributors. Despite being at different levels of digitalization, Seedz aims to accelerate this process with its coalition program, thereby strengthening Brazilian agribusiness. The company’s business model combines a SaaS solution for agribusiness with a transactional model based on the sale and redemption of coins from the loyalty and incentive coalition program.

Accelerated growth

The platform currently has a base of over 900 agribusiness companies (retailers, dealers, cooperatives and industries), more than 9,000 professionals (partner company employees, commercial consultants and sellers) and thousands of registered rural producers, who benefit from software solutions and incentive, loyalty and cashback programs between users and companies. Leading and prominent companies in different agribusiness segments such as John Deere, AgroGalaxy, UPL, Yara, Helm, Belagrícola, Yoshida, Cocamar, Fiagril and Agrex use Seedz’ platform to meet different challenges in their digital transformation journeys and relationships with rural producers. Seedz also maintains a strategic partnership with the National Association of Agricultural and Veterinary Inputs Distributors (Andav) that aims to accelerate digitalization of the input distribution chain and Markestrat, a consulting company focused on enhancing the strategies of corporations in the sector .

Besides the renowned partners and despite its short time in the market, Seedz has grown in the triple digits, posting growth over the last two years in excess of 400% per annum.

To accelerate even faster, the company will invest the contributed resources to increase its team and study strategic acquisitions. Seedz expects to have more than 100 employees by the end of 2021 and expand its operations to other countries in Latin America.

Profiles of the Investors

10b recently completed 2 years with its proposal to help feed 10 billion people in a healthier and more sustainable manner. The management company is part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem, which has been operating in the market for nearly 20 years and is one of the most experienced independent investment groups in Brazil, focused on selecting companies with substantial potential to create long-term value, always aligning talent, capital and purpose. 10b invests in co-creating new business models, technologies and innovative solutions that have been proven to increase productivity and profitability for producers in a sustainable and regenerative fashion, always respecting the needs and desires of consumers. Its investment approach is flexible and includes contributions to businesses at different stages of growth, including publicly traded companies, as long as they promote change and have a positive impact on the food chain.

With more than R$500 million under management, Volpe Capital is a venture capital fund launched in 2021 with the objective of investing in technology companies that have high growth potential in Latin America. The fund is agnostic regarding the sector and stage of maturity of companies, focusing its investments in companies with defined business models, profitable unit economics and high scalability potential.
The Yield Lab was created in the United States in 2014 by a group of investors in the sector and has bases in Latin America, Buenos Aires and São Paulo and has already accelerated AgTechs in the US, Brazil (such as TerraMagna), Argentina, Peru and Chile. The Yield Lab’s mission is to help entrepreneurs sustainably revolutionize agrifood systems around the world.

The Tridon Participações fund has officially existed for about a year and a half and is linked to the Nishimura family, founders of the Jacto Group. It is an independent entity that is not officially part of the group. The fund has invested in startups, accelerators and other investment funds linked to agribusiness ecosystems in different countries.

About – Seedz is a Brazilian AgTech company that develops technological solutions for the entire agribusiness production chain. It offers business management software and incentive and loyalty programs before, inside and outside the gate. The company focuses on improving the experience between agro companies, their channels and rural producers, accelerating their digital transformation and integration journeys. Discover more by downloading the Seedz App from the Apple Store or Google Play. Learn more at

Brazilian AgTech is the new bet for leading investment groups: Management company 10b, a member of SK Tarpon, and Volpe Capital are leading the round and have begun to invest in creating an ecosystem to digitalize the agribusiness value chain

Brazilian AgTech company Seedz, which has been creating a technological ecosystem dedicated to agribusiness built around a relationship and engagement platform that brings together rural producers, agricultural retailers, concessions, cooperatives and agribusiness industries, has just taken another important step in its growth strategy. The company just closed a round of investments with 10b, a member of the holding company SK Tarpon, and Volpe Capital – leader of the round –, along with investment funds The Yield Lab and Tridon Participações, which are now betting on the potential of digitalizing Agro.

Much more than focusing on capital, Seedz acted strategic in this round and opted for investors that had synergies with its business model. In this way the company brought together specialized funds with experience in both agribusiness and technological solutions.

Seedz’ software works as an incentive program for rural producers and agribusiness sellers spread across hundreds of sales points for agricultural and livestock inputs, machinery and services. Its platform is the engine for connecting digital operations within farms to agricultural industries and distributors. Despite being at different levels of digitalization, Seedz aims to accelerate this process with its coalition program, thereby strengthening Brazilian agribusiness. The company’s business model combines a SaaS solution for agribusiness with a transactional model based on the sale and redemption of coins from the loyalty and incentive coalition program.

Accelerated growth

The platform currently has a base of over 900 agribusiness companies (retailers, dealers, cooperatives and industries), more than 9,000 professionals (partner company employees, commercial consultants and sellers) and thousands of registered rural producers, who benefit from software solutions and incentive, loyalty and cashback programs between users and companies. Leading and prominent companies in different agribusiness segments such as John Deere, AgroGalaxy, UPL, Yara, Helm, Belagrícola, Yoshida, Cocamar, Fiagril and Agrex use Seedz’ platform to meet different challenges in their digital transformation journeys and relationships with rural producers. Seedz also maintains a strategic partnership with the National Association of Agricultural and Veterinary Inputs Distributors (Andav) that aims to accelerate digitalization of the input distribution chain and Markestrat, a consulting company focused on enhancing the strategies of corporations in the sector .

Besides the renowned partners and despite its short time in the market, Seedz has grown in the triple digits, posting growth over the last two years in excess of 400% per annum.

To accelerate even faster, the company will invest the contributed resources to increase its team and study strategic acquisitions. Seedz expects to have more than 100 employees by the end of 2021 and expand its operations to other countries in Latin America.

Profiles of the Investors

10b recently completed 2 years with its proposal to help feed 10 billion people in a healthier and more sustainable manner. The management company is part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem, which has been operating in the market for nearly 20 years and is one of the most experienced independent investment groups in Brazil, focused on selecting companies with substantial potential to create long-term value, always aligning talent, capital and purpose. 10b invests in co-creating new business models, technologies and innovative solutions that have been proven to increase productivity and profitability for producers in a sustainable and regenerative fashion, always respecting the needs and desires of consumers. Its investment approach is flexible and includes contributions to businesses at different stages of growth, including publicly traded companies, as long as they promote change and have a positive impact on the food chain.

With more than R$500 million under management, Volpe Capital is a venture capital fund launched in 2021 with the objective of investing in technology companies that have high growth potential in Latin America. The fund is agnostic regarding the sector and stage of maturity of companies, focusing its investments in companies with defined business models, profitable unit economics and high scalability potential.
The Yield Lab was created in the United States in 2014 by a group of investors in the sector and has bases in Latin America, Buenos Aires and São Paulo and has already accelerated AgTechs in the US, Brazil (such as TerraMagna), Argentina, Peru and Chile. The Yield Lab’s mission is to help entrepreneurs sustainably revolutionize agrifood systems around the world.

The Tridon Participações fund has officially existed for about a year and a half and is linked to the Nishimura family, founders of the Jacto Group. It is an independent entity that is not officially part of the group. The fund has invested in startups, accelerators and other investment funds linked to agribusiness ecosystems in different countries.

About – Seedz is a Brazilian AgTech company that develops technological solutions for the entire agribusiness production chain. It offers business management software and incentive and loyalty programs before, inside and outside the gate. The company focuses on improving the experience between agro companies, their channels and rural producers, accelerating their digital transformation and integration journeys. Discover more by downloading the Seedz App from the Apple Store or Google Play. Learn more at

Brazilian AgTech is the new bet for leading investment groups: Management company 10b, a member of SK Tarpon, and Volpe Capital are leading the round and have begun to invest in creating an ecosystem to digitalize the agribusiness value chain

Brazilian AgTech company Seedz, which has been creating a technological ecosystem dedicated to agribusiness built around a relationship and engagement platform that brings together rural producers, agricultural retailers, concessions, cooperatives and agribusiness industries, has just taken another important step in its growth strategy. The company just closed a round of investments with 10b, a member of the holding company SK Tarpon, and Volpe Capital – leader of the round –, along with investment funds The Yield Lab and Tridon Participações, which are now betting on the potential of digitalizing Agro.

Much more than focusing on capital, Seedz acted strategic in this round and opted for investors that had synergies with its business model. In this way the company brought together specialized funds with experience in both agribusiness and technological solutions.

Seedz’ software works as an incentive program for rural producers and agribusiness sellers spread across hundreds of sales points for agricultural and livestock inputs, machinery and services. Its platform is the engine for connecting digital operations within farms to agricultural industries and distributors. Despite being at different levels of digitalization, Seedz aims to accelerate this process with its coalition program, thereby strengthening Brazilian agribusiness. The company’s business model combines a SaaS solution for agribusiness with a transactional model based on the sale and redemption of coins from the loyalty and incentive coalition program.

Accelerated growth

The platform currently has a base of over 900 agribusiness companies (retailers, dealers, cooperatives and industries), more than 9,000 professionals (partner company employees, commercial consultants and sellers) and thousands of registered rural producers, who benefit from software solutions and incentive, loyalty and cashback programs between users and companies. Leading and prominent companies in different agribusiness segments such as John Deere, AgroGalaxy, UPL, Yara, Helm, Belagrícola, Yoshida, Cocamar, Fiagril and Agrex use Seedz’ platform to meet different challenges in their digital transformation journeys and relationships with rural producers. Seedz also maintains a strategic partnership with the National Association of Agricultural and Veterinary Inputs Distributors (Andav) that aims to accelerate digitalization of the input distribution chain and Markestrat, a consulting company focused on enhancing the strategies of corporations in the sector .

Besides the renowned partners and despite its short time in the market, Seedz has grown in the triple digits, posting growth over the last two years in excess of 400% per annum.

To accelerate even faster, the company will invest the contributed resources to increase its team and study strategic acquisitions. Seedz expects to have more than 100 employees by the end of 2021 and expand its operations to other countries in Latin America.

Profiles of the Investors

10b recently completed 2 years with its proposal to help feed 10 billion people in a healthier and more sustainable manner. The management company is part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem, which has been operating in the market for nearly 20 years and is one of the most experienced independent investment groups in Brazil, focused on selecting companies with substantial potential to create long-term value, always aligning talent, capital and purpose. 10b invests in co-creating new business models, technologies and innovative solutions that have been proven to increase productivity and profitability for producers in a sustainable and regenerative fashion, always respecting the needs and desires of consumers. Its investment approach is flexible and includes contributions to businesses at different stages of growth, including publicly traded companies, as long as they promote change and have a positive impact on the food chain.

With more than R$500 million under management, Volpe Capital is a venture capital fund launched in 2021 with the objective of investing in technology companies that have high growth potential in Latin America. The fund is agnostic regarding the sector and stage of maturity of companies, focusing its investments in companies with defined business models, profitable unit economics and high scalability potential.
The Yield Lab was created in the United States in 2014 by a group of investors in the sector and has bases in Latin America, Buenos Aires and São Paulo and has already accelerated AgTechs in the US, Brazil (such as TerraMagna), Argentina, Peru and Chile. The Yield Lab’s mission is to help entrepreneurs sustainably revolutionize agrifood systems around the world.

The Tridon Participações fund has officially existed for about a year and a half and is linked to the Nishimura family, founders of the Jacto Group. It is an independent entity that is not officially part of the group. The fund has invested in startups, accelerators and other investment funds linked to agribusiness ecosystems in different countries.

About – Seedz is a Brazilian AgTech company that develops technological solutions for the entire agribusiness production chain. It offers business management software and incentive and loyalty programs before, inside and outside the gate. The company focuses on improving the experience between agro companies, their channels and rural producers, accelerating their digital transformation and integration journeys. Discover more by downloading the Seedz App from the Apple Store or Google Play. Learn more at

Brazilian AgTech is the new bet for leading investment groups: Management company 10b, a member of SK Tarpon, and Volpe Capital are leading the round and have begun to invest in creating an ecosystem to digitalize the agribusiness value chain

Brazilian AgTech company Seedz, which has been creating a technological ecosystem dedicated to agribusiness built around a relationship and engagement platform that brings together rural producers, agricultural retailers, concessions, cooperatives and agribusiness industries, has just taken another important step in its growth strategy. The company just closed a round of investments with 10b, a member of the holding company SK Tarpon, and Volpe Capital – leader of the round –, along with investment funds The Yield Lab and Tridon Participações, which are now betting on the potential of digitalizing Agro.

Much more than focusing on capital, Seedz acted strategic in this round and opted for investors that had synergies with its business model. In this way the company brought together specialized funds with experience in both agribusiness and technological solutions.

Seedz’ software works as an incentive program for rural producers and agribusiness sellers spread across hundreds of sales points for agricultural and livestock inputs, machinery and services. Its platform is the engine for connecting digital operations within farms to agricultural industries and distributors. Despite being at different levels of digitalization, Seedz aims to accelerate this process with its coalition program, thereby strengthening Brazilian agribusiness. The company’s business model combines a SaaS solution for agribusiness with a transactional model based on the sale and redemption of coins from the loyalty and incentive coalition program.

Accelerated growth

The platform currently has a base of over 900 agribusiness companies (retailers, dealers, cooperatives and industries), more than 9,000 professionals (partner company employees, commercial consultants and sellers) and thousands of registered rural producers, who benefit from software solutions and incentive, loyalty and cashback programs between users and companies. Leading and prominent companies in different agribusiness segments such as John Deere, AgroGalaxy, UPL, Yara, Helm, Belagrícola, Yoshida, Cocamar, Fiagril and Agrex use Seedz’ platform to meet different challenges in their digital transformation journeys and relationships with rural producers. Seedz also maintains a strategic partnership with the National Association of Agricultural and Veterinary Inputs Distributors (Andav) that aims to accelerate digitalization of the input distribution chain and Markestrat, a consulting company focused on enhancing the strategies of corporations in the sector .

Besides the renowned partners and despite its short time in the market, Seedz has grown in the triple digits, posting growth over the last two years in excess of 400% per annum.

To accelerate even faster, the company will invest the contributed resources to increase its team and study strategic acquisitions. Seedz expects to have more than 100 employees by the end of 2021 and expand its operations to other countries in Latin America.

Profiles of the Investors

10b recently completed 2 years with its proposal to help feed 10 billion people in a healthier and more sustainable manner. The management company is part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem, which has been operating in the market for nearly 20 years and is one of the most experienced independent investment groups in Brazil, focused on selecting companies with substantial potential to create long-term value, always aligning talent, capital and purpose. 10b invests in co-creating new business models, technologies and innovative solutions that have been proven to increase productivity and profitability for producers in a sustainable and regenerative fashion, always respecting the needs and desires of consumers. Its investment approach is flexible and includes contributions to businesses at different stages of growth, including publicly traded companies, as long as they promote change and have a positive impact on the food chain.

With more than R$500 million under management, Volpe Capital is a venture capital fund launched in 2021 with the objective of investing in technology companies that have high growth potential in Latin America. The fund is agnostic regarding the sector and stage of maturity of companies, focusing its investments in companies with defined business models, profitable unit economics and high scalability potential.
The Yield Lab was created in the United States in 2014 by a group of investors in the sector and has bases in Latin America, Buenos Aires and São Paulo and has already accelerated AgTechs in the US, Brazil (such as TerraMagna), Argentina, Peru and Chile. The Yield Lab’s mission is to help entrepreneurs sustainably revolutionize agrifood systems around the world.

The Tridon Participações fund has officially existed for about a year and a half and is linked to the Nishimura family, founders of the Jacto Group. It is an independent entity that is not officially part of the group. The fund has invested in startups, accelerators and other investment funds linked to agribusiness ecosystems in different countries.

About – Seedz is a Brazilian AgTech company that develops technological solutions for the entire agribusiness production chain. It offers business management software and incentive and loyalty programs before, inside and outside the gate. The company focuses on improving the experience between agro companies, their channels and rural producers, accelerating their digital transformation and integration journeys. Discover more by downloading the Seedz App from the Apple Store or Google Play. Learn more at

The NSTech and Praxio merger will consolidate their leadership in Latin America. The round will finance their M&A strategy and also their vision to offer a complete end-to-end solution for their ecosystem.

Sao Paulo, June 30, 2021 – NSTech, Brazil’s largest logistics technology platform, and Praxio, a technology solutions hub for road freight and passenger transport, announced today a merger that will allow them to put together the most complete ecosystem of logistics and mobility technology in Latin America.

In parallel with the deal, the companies are investing USD 100 million in capital, led by SK Tarpon, through Niche Partners – the fund’s hub focused on investments in leading companies in niche markets – and Greenbridge, a private equity company that invests globally in technology companies and was founded by Swedish Ola Rollen and Melker Schorling (respectively the CEO and main shareholder of HEXAGON AB – a technology company listed on the Stockholm stock exchange with a market value of $35 billion), together with Brazilian investor Eduardo Steinberg, a tech entrepreneur and former CEO of Hexagon Ventures.
The move will help boost growth for the companies, which will be achieved organically and through new acquisitions – 65% of the new capital will be used for acquisitions. Associated with a debt strategy, the investment capacity will be USD 100 million, focused on the passenger, TMS, marketplace and fintech markets, enabling the expansion of the most complete digital platform for the cargo and passenger road transport chains.

The merger means that NSTech now serves six main types of customers: cargo carriers, shippers, drivers, players in passenger transport, insurers and insurance brokers specialized in transportation. The goal is to offer a simple and complete solution that contributes to the growth of customers and supports them in the pursuit of better operational efficiency.

“Potential M&A’s will also be facilitated with the merger. We will also prepare the new company for its IPO, which should happen within three years,” says Vasco Oliveira, a partner at SK Tarpon and CEO of Niche Partners, with more than 20 years’ experience in logistics.

The merger will also allow NSTech to extend its leadership in the logistics and mobility tech sector in Latin America, just over eight months since it made its first acquisition of Buonny, a leading Brazilian tech company for logistics risk management and productivity.

The deal’s figures are impressive. NSTech now has an Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) of $70 million, with over 90% recurring revenue. The company now has 28,000 customers and 14 products, eight of them leaders – with high gross margins and plenty of room for organic growth. The platform also includes the most extensive database in the sector, with more than 1.8 million registered drivers and USD 2.5 trillion of cargo a year, in addition to more than 90 million loads carried per month. For 2021, NSTech forecasts EBITDA of approximately USD 20 million, not including further acquisitions.

Long Term

Despite the potential IPO, both Greenbridge and SK Tarpon hve a long-term commitment to the platform. “The IPO is just one step in the journey, which will allow us to continue expanding the company into other markets, especially in Latin America,” says Eduardo Steinberg, a partner at Greenbridge. “We already operate in Mexico and will begin expansion in Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador. Some of our solutions are also very adherent to mature markets, such as the USA and Europe,” says Vasco.

NSTech tackles one of the main obstacles to Brazil’s development – inefficiency in the transport network. Brazil currently spends more than 12% of GDP on logistics, compared to approximately 7% in the USA. About 40% of the fleet runs empty, with no loads. Furthermore, Brazil ranks third in cargo theft globally, two positions behind Mexico, which tops the list – and it suffers a high volume of accidents on federal roads involving trucks: approximately 20,000 a year. The data is from NSTech, compiled from various sources.

A significant part of the solution to these obstacles can be supplied through technology, which helps companies be more productive while mitigating theft and accidents.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

SK Tarpon has created an ecosystem with interdependent hubs from the lessons learned over its 18 years in business, each focused on a different market with dedicated teams and great depth – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem.

Its approach involves drawing up investment theses, running robust investment diligence and approval processes, valuing business legacies and existing talents, setting a new pace in management and identifying, with investment management, levers to set business growth in motion.

Niche Partners, part of SK Tarpon’s ecosystem, was created to seek partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to maximize and establish these entrepreneurs’ legacies since its strategy provides for the maintenance of brands, cultures, and management teams to take companies to a new performance level. As the focus of its investments the company looks for significant margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Greenbridge

Greenbridge is a privately held investment firm with a focus on technology in mature and emerging markets. Greenbridge Partners’ strategy is to make long-term investments in a limited number of holdings in which it can enhance the value as an active shareholder. The team has valuable experience in both technology and strategy and aims to work closely with its portfolio companies’ management to transform businesses into global leaders.

About NSTech

NSTech is the largest logistics technology platform in Brazil. Created in 2021, the thesis is managed by Niche Partners. Prior to the merger with Praxio the operation consolidated four groups of companies around a holding company: Buonny, Opentech, AT&M, and Brasil Risk, leaders in the Brazilian logistics market, with almost 20,000 customers and the largest database in the segment.
The purpose of bringing companies together under the NSTech umbrella is to generate value for the country through the optimization of the logistics sector, contributing to the success, growth, and profitability of five major categories of customers: drivers, carriers, shippers, insurance brokers and insurance companies that operate in cargo transport.

NSTech supports the group’s companies to be more efficient in their logistics: optimization of financial resources, faster deliveries, reduction of CO2 emissions, accidents and thefts.

About Praxio

Praxio is a supplier of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to the transportation and logistics industries, active in both the passenger and cargo segments. Headquartered in São Paulo, the company has offices in seven states and is present throughout Brazil. The company grew organically and through acquisitions in the past years, adding to its portfolio important companies like: Hive.Cloud, Autumn, Avacon and Fusion.

Information for the press

SK Tarpon/NS Tech
Loures Consultoria
Jonathas Ruiz – – Tel: (+55 11) 993857406
Luci Anunciato –

The NSTech and Praxio merger will consolidate their leadership in Latin America. The round will finance their M&A strategy and also their vision to offer a complete end-to-end solution for their ecosystem.

Sao Paulo, June 30, 2021 – NSTech, Brazil’s largest logistics technology platform, and Praxio, a technology solutions hub for road freight and passenger transport, announced today a merger that will allow them to put together the most complete ecosystem of logistics and mobility technology in Latin America.

In parallel with the deal, the companies are investing USD 100 million in capital, led by SK Tarpon, through Niche Partners – the fund’s hub focused on investments in leading companies in niche markets – and Greenbridge, a private equity company that invests globally in technology companies and was founded by Swedish Ola Rollen and Melker Schorling (respectively the CEO and main shareholder of HEXAGON AB – a technology company listed on the Stockholm stock exchange with a market value of $35 billion), together with Brazilian investor Eduardo Steinberg, a tech entrepreneur and former CEO of Hexagon Ventures.
The move will help boost growth for the companies, which will be achieved organically and through new acquisitions – 65% of the new capital will be used for acquisitions. Associated with a debt strategy, the investment capacity will be USD 100 million, focused on the passenger, TMS, marketplace and fintech markets, enabling the expansion of the most complete digital platform for the cargo and passenger road transport chains.

The merger means that NSTech now serves six main types of customers: cargo carriers, shippers, drivers, players in passenger transport, insurers and insurance brokers specialized in transportation. The goal is to offer a simple and complete solution that contributes to the growth of customers and supports them in the pursuit of better operational efficiency.

“Potential M&A’s will also be facilitated with the merger. We will also prepare the new company for its IPO, which should happen within three years,” says Vasco Oliveira, a partner at SK Tarpon and CEO of Niche Partners, with more than 20 years’ experience in logistics.

The merger will also allow NSTech to extend its leadership in the logistics and mobility tech sector in Latin America, just over eight months since it made its first acquisition of Buonny, a leading Brazilian tech company for logistics risk management and productivity.

The deal’s figures are impressive. NSTech now has an Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) of $70 million, with over 90% recurring revenue. The company now has 28,000 customers and 14 products, eight of them leaders – with high gross margins and plenty of room for organic growth. The platform also includes the most extensive database in the sector, with more than 1.8 million registered drivers and USD 2.5 trillion of cargo a year, in addition to more than 90 million loads carried per month. For 2021, NSTech forecasts EBITDA of approximately USD 20 million, not including further acquisitions.

Long Term

Despite the potential IPO, both Greenbridge and SK Tarpon hve a long-term commitment to the platform. “The IPO is just one step in the journey, which will allow us to continue expanding the company into other markets, especially in Latin America,” says Eduardo Steinberg, a partner at Greenbridge. “We already operate in Mexico and will begin expansion in Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador. Some of our solutions are also very adherent to mature markets, such as the USA and Europe,” says Vasco.

NSTech tackles one of the main obstacles to Brazil’s development – inefficiency in the transport network. Brazil currently spends more than 12% of GDP on logistics, compared to approximately 7% in the USA. About 40% of the fleet runs empty, with no loads. Furthermore, Brazil ranks third in cargo theft globally, two positions behind Mexico, which tops the list – and it suffers a high volume of accidents on federal roads involving trucks: approximately 20,000 a year. The data is from NSTech, compiled from various sources.

A significant part of the solution to these obstacles can be supplied through technology, which helps companies be more productive while mitigating theft and accidents.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

SK Tarpon has created an ecosystem with interdependent hubs from the lessons learned over its 18 years in business, each focused on a different market with dedicated teams and great depth – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem.

Its approach involves drawing up investment theses, running robust investment diligence and approval processes, valuing business legacies and existing talents, setting a new pace in management and identifying, with investment management, levers to set business growth in motion.

Niche Partners, part of SK Tarpon’s ecosystem, was created to seek partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to maximize and establish these entrepreneurs’ legacies since its strategy provides for the maintenance of brands, cultures, and management teams to take companies to a new performance level. As the focus of its investments the company looks for significant margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Greenbridge

Greenbridge is a privately held investment firm with a focus on technology in mature and emerging markets. Greenbridge Partners’ strategy is to make long-term investments in a limited number of holdings in which it can enhance the value as an active shareholder. The team has valuable experience in both technology and strategy and aims to work closely with its portfolio companies’ management to transform businesses into global leaders.

About NSTech

NSTech is the largest logistics technology platform in Brazil. Created in 2021, the thesis is managed by Niche Partners. Prior to the merger with Praxio the operation consolidated four groups of companies around a holding company: Buonny, Opentech, AT&M, and Brasil Risk, leaders in the Brazilian logistics market, with almost 20,000 customers and the largest database in the segment.
The purpose of bringing companies together under the NSTech umbrella is to generate value for the country through the optimization of the logistics sector, contributing to the success, growth, and profitability of five major categories of customers: drivers, carriers, shippers, insurance brokers and insurance companies that operate in cargo transport.

NSTech supports the group’s companies to be more efficient in their logistics: optimization of financial resources, faster deliveries, reduction of CO2 emissions, accidents and thefts.

About Praxio

Praxio is a supplier of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to the transportation and logistics industries, active in both the passenger and cargo segments. Headquartered in São Paulo, the company has offices in seven states and is present throughout Brazil. The company grew organically and through acquisitions in the past years, adding to its portfolio important companies like: Hive.Cloud, Autumn, Avacon and Fusion.

Information for the press

SK Tarpon/NS Tech
Loures Consultoria
Jonathas Ruiz – – Tel: (+55 11) 993857406
Luci Anunciato –

The NSTech and Praxio merger will consolidate their leadership in Latin America. The round will finance their M&A strategy and also their vision to offer a complete end-to-end solution for their ecosystem.

Sao Paulo, June 30, 2021 – NSTech, Brazil’s largest logistics technology platform, and Praxio, a technology solutions hub for road freight and passenger transport, announced today a merger that will allow them to put together the most complete ecosystem of logistics and mobility technology in Latin America.

In parallel with the deal, the companies are investing USD 100 million in capital, led by SK Tarpon, through Niche Partners – the fund’s hub focused on investments in leading companies in niche markets – and Greenbridge, a private equity company that invests globally in technology companies and was founded by Swedish Ola Rollen and Melker Schorling (respectively the CEO and main shareholder of HEXAGON AB – a technology company listed on the Stockholm stock exchange with a market value of $35 billion), together with Brazilian investor Eduardo Steinberg, a tech entrepreneur and former CEO of Hexagon Ventures.
The move will help boost growth for the companies, which will be achieved organically and through new acquisitions – 65% of the new capital will be used for acquisitions. Associated with a debt strategy, the investment capacity will be USD 100 million, focused on the passenger, TMS, marketplace and fintech markets, enabling the expansion of the most complete digital platform for the cargo and passenger road transport chains.

The merger means that NSTech now serves six main types of customers: cargo carriers, shippers, drivers, players in passenger transport, insurers and insurance brokers specialized in transportation. The goal is to offer a simple and complete solution that contributes to the growth of customers and supports them in the pursuit of better operational efficiency.

“Potential M&A’s will also be facilitated with the merger. We will also prepare the new company for its IPO, which should happen within three years,” says Vasco Oliveira, a partner at SK Tarpon and CEO of Niche Partners, with more than 20 years’ experience in logistics.

The merger will also allow NSTech to extend its leadership in the logistics and mobility tech sector in Latin America, just over eight months since it made its first acquisition of Buonny, a leading Brazilian tech company for logistics risk management and productivity.

The deal’s figures are impressive. NSTech now has an Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) of $70 million, with over 90% recurring revenue. The company now has 28,000 customers and 14 products, eight of them leaders – with high gross margins and plenty of room for organic growth. The platform also includes the most extensive database in the sector, with more than 1.8 million registered drivers and USD 2.5 trillion of cargo a year, in addition to more than 90 million loads carried per month. For 2021, NSTech forecasts EBITDA of approximately USD 20 million, not including further acquisitions.

Long Term

Despite the potential IPO, both Greenbridge and SK Tarpon hve a long-term commitment to the platform. “The IPO is just one step in the journey, which will allow us to continue expanding the company into other markets, especially in Latin America,” says Eduardo Steinberg, a partner at Greenbridge. “We already operate in Mexico and will begin expansion in Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador. Some of our solutions are also very adherent to mature markets, such as the USA and Europe,” says Vasco.

NSTech tackles one of the main obstacles to Brazil’s development – inefficiency in the transport network. Brazil currently spends more than 12% of GDP on logistics, compared to approximately 7% in the USA. About 40% of the fleet runs empty, with no loads. Furthermore, Brazil ranks third in cargo theft globally, two positions behind Mexico, which tops the list – and it suffers a high volume of accidents on federal roads involving trucks: approximately 20,000 a year. The data is from NSTech, compiled from various sources.

A significant part of the solution to these obstacles can be supplied through technology, which helps companies be more productive while mitigating theft and accidents.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

SK Tarpon has created an ecosystem with interdependent hubs from the lessons learned over its 18 years in business, each focused on a different market with dedicated teams and great depth – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem.

Its approach involves drawing up investment theses, running robust investment diligence and approval processes, valuing business legacies and existing talents, setting a new pace in management and identifying, with investment management, levers to set business growth in motion.

Niche Partners, part of SK Tarpon’s ecosystem, was created to seek partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to maximize and establish these entrepreneurs’ legacies since its strategy provides for the maintenance of brands, cultures, and management teams to take companies to a new performance level. As the focus of its investments the company looks for significant margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Greenbridge

Greenbridge is a privately held investment firm with a focus on technology in mature and emerging markets. Greenbridge Partners’ strategy is to make long-term investments in a limited number of holdings in which it can enhance the value as an active shareholder. The team has valuable experience in both technology and strategy and aims to work closely with its portfolio companies’ management to transform businesses into global leaders.

About NSTech

NSTech is the largest logistics technology platform in Brazil. Created in 2021, the thesis is managed by Niche Partners. Prior to the merger with Praxio the operation consolidated four groups of companies around a holding company: Buonny, Opentech, AT&M, and Brasil Risk, leaders in the Brazilian logistics market, with almost 20,000 customers and the largest database in the segment.
The purpose of bringing companies together under the NSTech umbrella is to generate value for the country through the optimization of the logistics sector, contributing to the success, growth, and profitability of five major categories of customers: drivers, carriers, shippers, insurance brokers and insurance companies that operate in cargo transport.

NSTech supports the group’s companies to be more efficient in their logistics: optimization of financial resources, faster deliveries, reduction of CO2 emissions, accidents and thefts.

About Praxio

Praxio is a supplier of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to the transportation and logistics industries, active in both the passenger and cargo segments. Headquartered in São Paulo, the company has offices in seven states and is present throughout Brazil. The company grew organically and through acquisitions in the past years, adding to its portfolio important companies like: Hive.Cloud, Autumn, Avacon and Fusion.

Information for the press

SK Tarpon/NS Tech
Loures Consultoria
Jonathas Ruiz – – Tel: (+55 11) 993857406
Luci Anunciato –

The NSTech and Praxio merger will consolidate their leadership in Latin America. The round will finance their M&A strategy and also their vision to offer a complete end-to-end solution for their ecosystem.

Sao Paulo, June 30, 2021 – NSTech, Brazil’s largest logistics technology platform, and Praxio, a technology solutions hub for road freight and passenger transport, announced today a merger that will allow them to put together the most complete ecosystem of logistics and mobility technology in Latin America.

In parallel with the deal, the companies are investing USD 100 million in capital, led by SK Tarpon, through Niche Partners – the fund’s hub focused on investments in leading companies in niche markets – and Greenbridge, a private equity company that invests globally in technology companies and was founded by Swedish Ola Rollen and Melker Schorling (respectively the CEO and main shareholder of HEXAGON AB – a technology company listed on the Stockholm stock exchange with a market value of $35 billion), together with Brazilian investor Eduardo Steinberg, a tech entrepreneur and former CEO of Hexagon Ventures.
The move will help boost growth for the companies, which will be achieved organically and through new acquisitions – 65% of the new capital will be used for acquisitions. Associated with a debt strategy, the investment capacity will be USD 100 million, focused on the passenger, TMS, marketplace and fintech markets, enabling the expansion of the most complete digital platform for the cargo and passenger road transport chains.

The merger means that NSTech now serves six main types of customers: cargo carriers, shippers, drivers, players in passenger transport, insurers and insurance brokers specialized in transportation. The goal is to offer a simple and complete solution that contributes to the growth of customers and supports them in the pursuit of better operational efficiency.

“Potential M&A’s will also be facilitated with the merger. We will also prepare the new company for its IPO, which should happen within three years,” says Vasco Oliveira, a partner at SK Tarpon and CEO of Niche Partners, with more than 20 years’ experience in logistics.

The merger will also allow NSTech to extend its leadership in the logistics and mobility tech sector in Latin America, just over eight months since it made its first acquisition of Buonny, a leading Brazilian tech company for logistics risk management and productivity.

The deal’s figures are impressive. NSTech now has an Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) of $70 million, with over 90% recurring revenue. The company now has 28,000 customers and 14 products, eight of them leaders – with high gross margins and plenty of room for organic growth. The platform also includes the most extensive database in the sector, with more than 1.8 million registered drivers and USD 2.5 trillion of cargo a year, in addition to more than 90 million loads carried per month. For 2021, NSTech forecasts EBITDA of approximately USD 20 million, not including further acquisitions.

Long Term

Despite the potential IPO, both Greenbridge and SK Tarpon hve a long-term commitment to the platform. “The IPO is just one step in the journey, which will allow us to continue expanding the company into other markets, especially in Latin America,” says Eduardo Steinberg, a partner at Greenbridge. “We already operate in Mexico and will begin expansion in Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador. Some of our solutions are also very adherent to mature markets, such as the USA and Europe,” says Vasco.

NSTech tackles one of the main obstacles to Brazil’s development – inefficiency in the transport network. Brazil currently spends more than 12% of GDP on logistics, compared to approximately 7% in the USA. About 40% of the fleet runs empty, with no loads. Furthermore, Brazil ranks third in cargo theft globally, two positions behind Mexico, which tops the list – and it suffers a high volume of accidents on federal roads involving trucks: approximately 20,000 a year. The data is from NSTech, compiled from various sources.

A significant part of the solution to these obstacles can be supplied through technology, which helps companies be more productive while mitigating theft and accidents.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

SK Tarpon has created an ecosystem with interdependent hubs from the lessons learned over its 18 years in business, each focused on a different market with dedicated teams and great depth – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem.

Its approach involves drawing up investment theses, running robust investment diligence and approval processes, valuing business legacies and existing talents, setting a new pace in management and identifying, with investment management, levers to set business growth in motion.

Niche Partners, part of SK Tarpon’s ecosystem, was created to seek partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to maximize and establish these entrepreneurs’ legacies since its strategy provides for the maintenance of brands, cultures, and management teams to take companies to a new performance level. As the focus of its investments the company looks for significant margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Greenbridge

Greenbridge is a privately held investment firm with a focus on technology in mature and emerging markets. Greenbridge Partners’ strategy is to make long-term investments in a limited number of holdings in which it can enhance the value as an active shareholder. The team has valuable experience in both technology and strategy and aims to work closely with its portfolio companies’ management to transform businesses into global leaders.

About NSTech

NSTech is the largest logistics technology platform in Brazil. Created in 2021, the thesis is managed by Niche Partners. Prior to the merger with Praxio the operation consolidated four groups of companies around a holding company: Buonny, Opentech, AT&M, and Brasil Risk, leaders in the Brazilian logistics market, with almost 20,000 customers and the largest database in the segment.
The purpose of bringing companies together under the NSTech umbrella is to generate value for the country through the optimization of the logistics sector, contributing to the success, growth, and profitability of five major categories of customers: drivers, carriers, shippers, insurance brokers and insurance companies that operate in cargo transport.

NSTech supports the group’s companies to be more efficient in their logistics: optimization of financial resources, faster deliveries, reduction of CO2 emissions, accidents and thefts.

About Praxio

Praxio is a supplier of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to the transportation and logistics industries, active in both the passenger and cargo segments. Headquartered in São Paulo, the company has offices in seven states and is present throughout Brazil. The company grew organically and through acquisitions in the past years, adding to its portfolio important companies like: Hive.Cloud, Autumn, Avacon and Fusion.

Information for the press

SK Tarpon/NS Tech
Loures Consultoria
Jonathas Ruiz – – Tel: (+55 11) 993857406
Luci Anunciato –

The NSTech and Praxio merger will consolidate their leadership in Latin America. The round will finance their M&A strategy and also their vision to offer a complete end-to-end solution for their ecosystem.

Sao Paulo, June 30, 2021 – NSTech, Brazil’s largest logistics technology platform, and Praxio, a technology solutions hub for road freight and passenger transport, announced today a merger that will allow them to put together the most complete ecosystem of logistics and mobility technology in Latin America.

In parallel with the deal, the companies are investing USD 100 million in capital, led by SK Tarpon, through Niche Partners – the fund’s hub focused on investments in leading companies in niche markets – and Greenbridge, a private equity company that invests globally in technology companies and was founded by Swedish Ola Rollen and Melker Schorling (respectively the CEO and main shareholder of HEXAGON AB – a technology company listed on the Stockholm stock exchange with a market value of $35 billion), together with Brazilian investor Eduardo Steinberg, a tech entrepreneur and former CEO of Hexagon Ventures.
The move will help boost growth for the companies, which will be achieved organically and through new acquisitions – 65% of the new capital will be used for acquisitions. Associated with a debt strategy, the investment capacity will be USD 100 million, focused on the passenger, TMS, marketplace and fintech markets, enabling the expansion of the most complete digital platform for the cargo and passenger road transport chains.

The merger means that NSTech now serves six main types of customers: cargo carriers, shippers, drivers, players in passenger transport, insurers and insurance brokers specialized in transportation. The goal is to offer a simple and complete solution that contributes to the growth of customers and supports them in the pursuit of better operational efficiency.

“Potential M&A’s will also be facilitated with the merger. We will also prepare the new company for its IPO, which should happen within three years,” says Vasco Oliveira, a partner at SK Tarpon and CEO of Niche Partners, with more than 20 years’ experience in logistics.

The merger will also allow NSTech to extend its leadership in the logistics and mobility tech sector in Latin America, just over eight months since it made its first acquisition of Buonny, a leading Brazilian tech company for logistics risk management and productivity.

The deal’s figures are impressive. NSTech now has an Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) of $70 million, with over 90% recurring revenue. The company now has 28,000 customers and 14 products, eight of them leaders – with high gross margins and plenty of room for organic growth. The platform also includes the most extensive database in the sector, with more than 1.8 million registered drivers and USD 2.5 trillion of cargo a year, in addition to more than 90 million loads carried per month. For 2021, NSTech forecasts EBITDA of approximately USD 20 million, not including further acquisitions.

Long Term

Despite the potential IPO, both Greenbridge and SK Tarpon hve a long-term commitment to the platform. “The IPO is just one step in the journey, which will allow us to continue expanding the company into other markets, especially in Latin America,” says Eduardo Steinberg, a partner at Greenbridge. “We already operate in Mexico and will begin expansion in Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador. Some of our solutions are also very adherent to mature markets, such as the USA and Europe,” says Vasco.

NSTech tackles one of the main obstacles to Brazil’s development – inefficiency in the transport network. Brazil currently spends more than 12% of GDP on logistics, compared to approximately 7% in the USA. About 40% of the fleet runs empty, with no loads. Furthermore, Brazil ranks third in cargo theft globally, two positions behind Mexico, which tops the list – and it suffers a high volume of accidents on federal roads involving trucks: approximately 20,000 a year. The data is from NSTech, compiled from various sources.

A significant part of the solution to these obstacles can be supplied through technology, which helps companies be more productive while mitigating theft and accidents.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

SK Tarpon has created an ecosystem with interdependent hubs from the lessons learned over its 18 years in business, each focused on a different market with dedicated teams and great depth – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem.

Its approach involves drawing up investment theses, running robust investment diligence and approval processes, valuing business legacies and existing talents, setting a new pace in management and identifying, with investment management, levers to set business growth in motion.

Niche Partners, part of SK Tarpon’s ecosystem, was created to seek partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to maximize and establish these entrepreneurs’ legacies since its strategy provides for the maintenance of brands, cultures, and management teams to take companies to a new performance level. As the focus of its investments the company looks for significant margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Greenbridge

Greenbridge is a privately held investment firm with a focus on technology in mature and emerging markets. Greenbridge Partners’ strategy is to make long-term investments in a limited number of holdings in which it can enhance the value as an active shareholder. The team has valuable experience in both technology and strategy and aims to work closely with its portfolio companies’ management to transform businesses into global leaders.

About NSTech

NSTech is the largest logistics technology platform in Brazil. Created in 2021, the thesis is managed by Niche Partners. Prior to the merger with Praxio the operation consolidated four groups of companies around a holding company: Buonny, Opentech, AT&M, and Brasil Risk, leaders in the Brazilian logistics market, with almost 20,000 customers and the largest database in the segment.
The purpose of bringing companies together under the NSTech umbrella is to generate value for the country through the optimization of the logistics sector, contributing to the success, growth, and profitability of five major categories of customers: drivers, carriers, shippers, insurance brokers and insurance companies that operate in cargo transport.

NSTech supports the group’s companies to be more efficient in their logistics: optimization of financial resources, faster deliveries, reduction of CO2 emissions, accidents and thefts.

About Praxio

Praxio is a supplier of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to the transportation and logistics industries, active in both the passenger and cargo segments. Headquartered in São Paulo, the company has offices in seven states and is present throughout Brazil. The company grew organically and through acquisitions in the past years, adding to its portfolio important companies like: Hive.Cloud, Autumn, Avacon and Fusion.

Information for the press

SK Tarpon/NS Tech
Loures Consultoria
Jonathas Ruiz – – Tel: (+55 11) 993857406
Luci Anunciato –

The NSTech and Praxio merger will consolidate their leadership in Latin America. The round will finance their M&A strategy and also their vision to offer a complete end-to-end solution for their ecosystem.

Sao Paulo, June 30, 2021 – NSTech, Brazil’s largest logistics technology platform, and Praxio, a technology solutions hub for road freight and passenger transport, announced today a merger that will allow them to put together the most complete ecosystem of logistics and mobility technology in Latin America.

In parallel with the deal, the companies are investing USD 100 million in capital, led by SK Tarpon, through Niche Partners – the fund’s hub focused on investments in leading companies in niche markets – and Greenbridge, a private equity company that invests globally in technology companies and was founded by Swedish Ola Rollen and Melker Schorling (respectively the CEO and main shareholder of HEXAGON AB – a technology company listed on the Stockholm stock exchange with a market value of $35 billion), together with Brazilian investor Eduardo Steinberg, a tech entrepreneur and former CEO of Hexagon Ventures.
The move will help boost growth for the companies, which will be achieved organically and through new acquisitions – 65% of the new capital will be used for acquisitions. Associated with a debt strategy, the investment capacity will be USD 100 million, focused on the passenger, TMS, marketplace and fintech markets, enabling the expansion of the most complete digital platform for the cargo and passenger road transport chains.

The merger means that NSTech now serves six main types of customers: cargo carriers, shippers, drivers, players in passenger transport, insurers and insurance brokers specialized in transportation. The goal is to offer a simple and complete solution that contributes to the growth of customers and supports them in the pursuit of better operational efficiency.

“Potential M&A’s will also be facilitated with the merger. We will also prepare the new company for its IPO, which should happen within three years,” says Vasco Oliveira, a partner at SK Tarpon and CEO of Niche Partners, with more than 20 years’ experience in logistics.

The merger will also allow NSTech to extend its leadership in the logistics and mobility tech sector in Latin America, just over eight months since it made its first acquisition of Buonny, a leading Brazilian tech company for logistics risk management and productivity.

The deal’s figures are impressive. NSTech now has an Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) of $70 million, with over 90% recurring revenue. The company now has 28,000 customers and 14 products, eight of them leaders – with high gross margins and plenty of room for organic growth. The platform also includes the most extensive database in the sector, with more than 1.8 million registered drivers and USD 2.5 trillion of cargo a year, in addition to more than 90 million loads carried per month. For 2021, NSTech forecasts EBITDA of approximately USD 20 million, not including further acquisitions.

Long Term

Despite the potential IPO, both Greenbridge and SK Tarpon hve a long-term commitment to the platform. “The IPO is just one step in the journey, which will allow us to continue expanding the company into other markets, especially in Latin America,” says Eduardo Steinberg, a partner at Greenbridge. “We already operate in Mexico and will begin expansion in Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador. Some of our solutions are also very adherent to mature markets, such as the USA and Europe,” says Vasco.

NSTech tackles one of the main obstacles to Brazil’s development – inefficiency in the transport network. Brazil currently spends more than 12% of GDP on logistics, compared to approximately 7% in the USA. About 40% of the fleet runs empty, with no loads. Furthermore, Brazil ranks third in cargo theft globally, two positions behind Mexico, which tops the list – and it suffers a high volume of accidents on federal roads involving trucks: approximately 20,000 a year. The data is from NSTech, compiled from various sources.

A significant part of the solution to these obstacles can be supplied through technology, which helps companies be more productive while mitigating theft and accidents.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

SK Tarpon has created an ecosystem with interdependent hubs from the lessons learned over its 18 years in business, each focused on a different market with dedicated teams and great depth – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem.

Its approach involves drawing up investment theses, running robust investment diligence and approval processes, valuing business legacies and existing talents, setting a new pace in management and identifying, with investment management, levers to set business growth in motion.

Niche Partners, part of SK Tarpon’s ecosystem, was created to seek partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to maximize and establish these entrepreneurs’ legacies since its strategy provides for the maintenance of brands, cultures, and management teams to take companies to a new performance level. As the focus of its investments the company looks for significant margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Greenbridge

Greenbridge is a privately held investment firm with a focus on technology in mature and emerging markets. Greenbridge Partners’ strategy is to make long-term investments in a limited number of holdings in which it can enhance the value as an active shareholder. The team has valuable experience in both technology and strategy and aims to work closely with its portfolio companies’ management to transform businesses into global leaders.

About NSTech

NSTech is the largest logistics technology platform in Brazil. Created in 2021, the thesis is managed by Niche Partners. Prior to the merger with Praxio the operation consolidated four groups of companies around a holding company: Buonny, Opentech, AT&M, and Brasil Risk, leaders in the Brazilian logistics market, with almost 20,000 customers and the largest database in the segment.
The purpose of bringing companies together under the NSTech umbrella is to generate value for the country through the optimization of the logistics sector, contributing to the success, growth, and profitability of five major categories of customers: drivers, carriers, shippers, insurance brokers and insurance companies that operate in cargo transport.

NSTech supports the group’s companies to be more efficient in their logistics: optimization of financial resources, faster deliveries, reduction of CO2 emissions, accidents and thefts.

About Praxio

Praxio is a supplier of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to the transportation and logistics industries, active in both the passenger and cargo segments. Headquartered in São Paulo, the company has offices in seven states and is present throughout Brazil. The company grew organically and through acquisitions in the past years, adding to its portfolio important companies like: Hive.Cloud, Autumn, Avacon and Fusion.

Information for the press

SK Tarpon/NS Tech
Loures Consultoria
Jonathas Ruiz – – Tel: (+55 11) 993857406
Luci Anunciato –

The NSTech and Praxio merger will consolidate their leadership in Latin America. The round will finance their M&A strategy and also their vision to offer a complete end-to-end solution for their ecosystem.

Sao Paulo, June 30, 2021 – NSTech, Brazil’s largest logistics technology platform, and Praxio, a technology solutions hub for road freight and passenger transport, announced today a merger that will allow them to put together the most complete ecosystem of logistics and mobility technology in Latin America.

In parallel with the deal, the companies are investing USD 100 million in capital, led by SK Tarpon, through Niche Partners – the fund’s hub focused on investments in leading companies in niche markets – and Greenbridge, a private equity company that invests globally in technology companies and was founded by Swedish Ola Rollen and Melker Schorling (respectively the CEO and main shareholder of HEXAGON AB – a technology company listed on the Stockholm stock exchange with a market value of $35 billion), together with Brazilian investor Eduardo Steinberg, a tech entrepreneur and former CEO of Hexagon Ventures.
The move will help boost growth for the companies, which will be achieved organically and through new acquisitions – 65% of the new capital will be used for acquisitions. Associated with a debt strategy, the investment capacity will be USD 100 million, focused on the passenger, TMS, marketplace and fintech markets, enabling the expansion of the most complete digital platform for the cargo and passenger road transport chains.

The merger means that NSTech now serves six main types of customers: cargo carriers, shippers, drivers, players in passenger transport, insurers and insurance brokers specialized in transportation. The goal is to offer a simple and complete solution that contributes to the growth of customers and supports them in the pursuit of better operational efficiency.

“Potential M&A’s will also be facilitated with the merger. We will also prepare the new company for its IPO, which should happen within three years,” says Vasco Oliveira, a partner at SK Tarpon and CEO of Niche Partners, with more than 20 years’ experience in logistics.

The merger will also allow NSTech to extend its leadership in the logistics and mobility tech sector in Latin America, just over eight months since it made its first acquisition of Buonny, a leading Brazilian tech company for logistics risk management and productivity.

The deal’s figures are impressive. NSTech now has an Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) of $70 million, with over 90% recurring revenue. The company now has 28,000 customers and 14 products, eight of them leaders – with high gross margins and plenty of room for organic growth. The platform also includes the most extensive database in the sector, with more than 1.8 million registered drivers and USD 2.5 trillion of cargo a year, in addition to more than 90 million loads carried per month. For 2021, NSTech forecasts EBITDA of approximately USD 20 million, not including further acquisitions.

Long Term

Despite the potential IPO, both Greenbridge and SK Tarpon hve a long-term commitment to the platform. “The IPO is just one step in the journey, which will allow us to continue expanding the company into other markets, especially in Latin America,” says Eduardo Steinberg, a partner at Greenbridge. “We already operate in Mexico and will begin expansion in Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador. Some of our solutions are also very adherent to mature markets, such as the USA and Europe,” says Vasco.

NSTech tackles one of the main obstacles to Brazil’s development – inefficiency in the transport network. Brazil currently spends more than 12% of GDP on logistics, compared to approximately 7% in the USA. About 40% of the fleet runs empty, with no loads. Furthermore, Brazil ranks third in cargo theft globally, two positions behind Mexico, which tops the list – and it suffers a high volume of accidents on federal roads involving trucks: approximately 20,000 a year. The data is from NSTech, compiled from various sources.

A significant part of the solution to these obstacles can be supplied through technology, which helps companies be more productive while mitigating theft and accidents.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

SK Tarpon has created an ecosystem with interdependent hubs from the lessons learned over its 18 years in business, each focused on a different market with dedicated teams and great depth – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem.

Its approach involves drawing up investment theses, running robust investment diligence and approval processes, valuing business legacies and existing talents, setting a new pace in management and identifying, with investment management, levers to set business growth in motion.

Niche Partners, part of SK Tarpon’s ecosystem, was created to seek partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to maximize and establish these entrepreneurs’ legacies since its strategy provides for the maintenance of brands, cultures, and management teams to take companies to a new performance level. As the focus of its investments the company looks for significant margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Greenbridge

Greenbridge is a privately held investment firm with a focus on technology in mature and emerging markets. Greenbridge Partners’ strategy is to make long-term investments in a limited number of holdings in which it can enhance the value as an active shareholder. The team has valuable experience in both technology and strategy and aims to work closely with its portfolio companies’ management to transform businesses into global leaders.

About NSTech

NSTech is the largest logistics technology platform in Brazil. Created in 2021, the thesis is managed by Niche Partners. Prior to the merger with Praxio the operation consolidated four groups of companies around a holding company: Buonny, Opentech, AT&M, and Brasil Risk, leaders in the Brazilian logistics market, with almost 20,000 customers and the largest database in the segment.
The purpose of bringing companies together under the NSTech umbrella is to generate value for the country through the optimization of the logistics sector, contributing to the success, growth, and profitability of five major categories of customers: drivers, carriers, shippers, insurance brokers and insurance companies that operate in cargo transport.

NSTech supports the group’s companies to be more efficient in their logistics: optimization of financial resources, faster deliveries, reduction of CO2 emissions, accidents and thefts.

About Praxio

Praxio is a supplier of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to the transportation and logistics industries, active in both the passenger and cargo segments. Headquartered in São Paulo, the company has offices in seven states and is present throughout Brazil. The company grew organically and through acquisitions in the past years, adding to its portfolio important companies like: Hive.Cloud, Autumn, Avacon and Fusion.

Information for the press

SK Tarpon/NS Tech
Loures Consultoria
Jonathas Ruiz – – Tel: (+55 11) 993857406
Luci Anunciato –

The NSTech and Praxio merger will consolidate their leadership in Latin America. The round will finance their M&A strategy and also their vision to offer a complete end-to-end solution for their ecosystem.

Sao Paulo, June 30, 2021 – NSTech, Brazil’s largest logistics technology platform, and Praxio, a technology solutions hub for road freight and passenger transport, announced today a merger that will allow them to put together the most complete ecosystem of logistics and mobility technology in Latin America.

In parallel with the deal, the companies are investing USD 100 million in capital, led by SK Tarpon, through Niche Partners – the fund’s hub focused on investments in leading companies in niche markets – and Greenbridge, a private equity company that invests globally in technology companies and was founded by Swedish Ola Rollen and Melker Schorling (respectively the CEO and main shareholder of HEXAGON AB – a technology company listed on the Stockholm stock exchange with a market value of $35 billion), together with Brazilian investor Eduardo Steinberg, a tech entrepreneur and former CEO of Hexagon Ventures.
The move will help boost growth for the companies, which will be achieved organically and through new acquisitions – 65% of the new capital will be used for acquisitions. Associated with a debt strategy, the investment capacity will be USD 100 million, focused on the passenger, TMS, marketplace and fintech markets, enabling the expansion of the most complete digital platform for the cargo and passenger road transport chains.

The merger means that NSTech now serves six main types of customers: cargo carriers, shippers, drivers, players in passenger transport, insurers and insurance brokers specialized in transportation. The goal is to offer a simple and complete solution that contributes to the growth of customers and supports them in the pursuit of better operational efficiency.

“Potential M&A’s will also be facilitated with the merger. We will also prepare the new company for its IPO, which should happen within three years,” says Vasco Oliveira, a partner at SK Tarpon and CEO of Niche Partners, with more than 20 years’ experience in logistics.

The merger will also allow NSTech to extend its leadership in the logistics and mobility tech sector in Latin America, just over eight months since it made its first acquisition of Buonny, a leading Brazilian tech company for logistics risk management and productivity.

The deal’s figures are impressive. NSTech now has an Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) of $70 million, with over 90% recurring revenue. The company now has 28,000 customers and 14 products, eight of them leaders – with high gross margins and plenty of room for organic growth. The platform also includes the most extensive database in the sector, with more than 1.8 million registered drivers and USD 2.5 trillion of cargo a year, in addition to more than 90 million loads carried per month. For 2021, NSTech forecasts EBITDA of approximately USD 20 million, not including further acquisitions.

Long Term

Despite the potential IPO, both Greenbridge and SK Tarpon hve a long-term commitment to the platform. “The IPO is just one step in the journey, which will allow us to continue expanding the company into other markets, especially in Latin America,” says Eduardo Steinberg, a partner at Greenbridge. “We already operate in Mexico and will begin expansion in Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador. Some of our solutions are also very adherent to mature markets, such as the USA and Europe,” says Vasco.

NSTech tackles one of the main obstacles to Brazil’s development – inefficiency in the transport network. Brazil currently spends more than 12% of GDP on logistics, compared to approximately 7% in the USA. About 40% of the fleet runs empty, with no loads. Furthermore, Brazil ranks third in cargo theft globally, two positions behind Mexico, which tops the list – and it suffers a high volume of accidents on federal roads involving trucks: approximately 20,000 a year. The data is from NSTech, compiled from various sources.

A significant part of the solution to these obstacles can be supplied through technology, which helps companies be more productive while mitigating theft and accidents.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

SK Tarpon has created an ecosystem with interdependent hubs from the lessons learned over its 18 years in business, each focused on a different market with dedicated teams and great depth – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem.

Its approach involves drawing up investment theses, running robust investment diligence and approval processes, valuing business legacies and existing talents, setting a new pace in management and identifying, with investment management, levers to set business growth in motion.

Niche Partners, part of SK Tarpon’s ecosystem, was created to seek partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to maximize and establish these entrepreneurs’ legacies since its strategy provides for the maintenance of brands, cultures, and management teams to take companies to a new performance level. As the focus of its investments the company looks for significant margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Greenbridge

Greenbridge is a privately held investment firm with a focus on technology in mature and emerging markets. Greenbridge Partners’ strategy is to make long-term investments in a limited number of holdings in which it can enhance the value as an active shareholder. The team has valuable experience in both technology and strategy and aims to work closely with its portfolio companies’ management to transform businesses into global leaders.

About NSTech

NSTech is the largest logistics technology platform in Brazil. Created in 2021, the thesis is managed by Niche Partners. Prior to the merger with Praxio the operation consolidated four groups of companies around a holding company: Buonny, Opentech, AT&M, and Brasil Risk, leaders in the Brazilian logistics market, with almost 20,000 customers and the largest database in the segment.
The purpose of bringing companies together under the NSTech umbrella is to generate value for the country through the optimization of the logistics sector, contributing to the success, growth, and profitability of five major categories of customers: drivers, carriers, shippers, insurance brokers and insurance companies that operate in cargo transport.

NSTech supports the group’s companies to be more efficient in their logistics: optimization of financial resources, faster deliveries, reduction of CO2 emissions, accidents and thefts.

About Praxio

Praxio is a supplier of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to the transportation and logistics industries, active in both the passenger and cargo segments. Headquartered in São Paulo, the company has offices in seven states and is present throughout Brazil. The company grew organically and through acquisitions in the past years, adding to its portfolio important companies like: Hive.Cloud, Autumn, Avacon and Fusion.

Information for the press

SK Tarpon/NS Tech
Loures Consultoria
Jonathas Ruiz – – Tel: (+55 11) 993857406
Luci Anunciato –

The NSTech and Praxio merger will consolidate their leadership in Latin America. The round will finance their M&A strategy and also their vision to offer a complete end-to-end solution for their ecosystem.

Sao Paulo, June 30, 2021 – NSTech, Brazil’s largest logistics technology platform, and Praxio, a technology solutions hub for road freight and passenger transport, announced today a merger that will allow them to put together the most complete ecosystem of logistics and mobility technology in Latin America.

In parallel with the deal, the companies are investing USD 100 million in capital, led by SK Tarpon, through Niche Partners – the fund’s hub focused on investments in leading companies in niche markets – and Greenbridge, a private equity company that invests globally in technology companies and was founded by Swedish Ola Rollen and Melker Schorling (respectively the CEO and main shareholder of HEXAGON AB – a technology company listed on the Stockholm stock exchange with a market value of $35 billion), together with Brazilian investor Eduardo Steinberg, a tech entrepreneur and former CEO of Hexagon Ventures.
The move will help boost growth for the companies, which will be achieved organically and through new acquisitions – 65% of the new capital will be used for acquisitions. Associated with a debt strategy, the investment capacity will be USD 100 million, focused on the passenger, TMS, marketplace and fintech markets, enabling the expansion of the most complete digital platform for the cargo and passenger road transport chains.

The merger means that NSTech now serves six main types of customers: cargo carriers, shippers, drivers, players in passenger transport, insurers and insurance brokers specialized in transportation. The goal is to offer a simple and complete solution that contributes to the growth of customers and supports them in the pursuit of better operational efficiency.

“Potential M&A’s will also be facilitated with the merger. We will also prepare the new company for its IPO, which should happen within three years,” says Vasco Oliveira, a partner at SK Tarpon and CEO of Niche Partners, with more than 20 years’ experience in logistics.

The merger will also allow NSTech to extend its leadership in the logistics and mobility tech sector in Latin America, just over eight months since it made its first acquisition of Buonny, a leading Brazilian tech company for logistics risk management and productivity.

The deal’s figures are impressive. NSTech now has an Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) of $70 million, with over 90% recurring revenue. The company now has 28,000 customers and 14 products, eight of them leaders – with high gross margins and plenty of room for organic growth. The platform also includes the most extensive database in the sector, with more than 1.8 million registered drivers and USD 2.5 trillion of cargo a year, in addition to more than 90 million loads carried per month. For 2021, NSTech forecasts EBITDA of approximately USD 20 million, not including further acquisitions.

Long Term

Despite the potential IPO, both Greenbridge and SK Tarpon hve a long-term commitment to the platform. “The IPO is just one step in the journey, which will allow us to continue expanding the company into other markets, especially in Latin America,” says Eduardo Steinberg, a partner at Greenbridge. “We already operate in Mexico and will begin expansion in Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador. Some of our solutions are also very adherent to mature markets, such as the USA and Europe,” says Vasco.

NSTech tackles one of the main obstacles to Brazil’s development – inefficiency in the transport network. Brazil currently spends more than 12% of GDP on logistics, compared to approximately 7% in the USA. About 40% of the fleet runs empty, with no loads. Furthermore, Brazil ranks third in cargo theft globally, two positions behind Mexico, which tops the list – and it suffers a high volume of accidents on federal roads involving trucks: approximately 20,000 a year. The data is from NSTech, compiled from various sources.

A significant part of the solution to these obstacles can be supplied through technology, which helps companies be more productive while mitigating theft and accidents.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

SK Tarpon has created an ecosystem with interdependent hubs from the lessons learned over its 18 years in business, each focused on a different market with dedicated teams and great depth – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem.

Its approach involves drawing up investment theses, running robust investment diligence and approval processes, valuing business legacies and existing talents, setting a new pace in management and identifying, with investment management, levers to set business growth in motion.

Niche Partners, part of SK Tarpon’s ecosystem, was created to seek partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to maximize and establish these entrepreneurs’ legacies since its strategy provides for the maintenance of brands, cultures, and management teams to take companies to a new performance level. As the focus of its investments the company looks for significant margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Greenbridge

Greenbridge is a privately held investment firm with a focus on technology in mature and emerging markets. Greenbridge Partners’ strategy is to make long-term investments in a limited number of holdings in which it can enhance the value as an active shareholder. The team has valuable experience in both technology and strategy and aims to work closely with its portfolio companies’ management to transform businesses into global leaders.

About NSTech

NSTech is the largest logistics technology platform in Brazil. Created in 2021, the thesis is managed by Niche Partners. Prior to the merger with Praxio the operation consolidated four groups of companies around a holding company: Buonny, Opentech, AT&M, and Brasil Risk, leaders in the Brazilian logistics market, with almost 20,000 customers and the largest database in the segment.
The purpose of bringing companies together under the NSTech umbrella is to generate value for the country through the optimization of the logistics sector, contributing to the success, growth, and profitability of five major categories of customers: drivers, carriers, shippers, insurance brokers and insurance companies that operate in cargo transport.

NSTech supports the group’s companies to be more efficient in their logistics: optimization of financial resources, faster deliveries, reduction of CO2 emissions, accidents and thefts.

About Praxio

Praxio is a supplier of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to the transportation and logistics industries, active in both the passenger and cargo segments. Headquartered in São Paulo, the company has offices in seven states and is present throughout Brazil. The company grew organically and through acquisitions in the past years, adding to its portfolio important companies like: Hive.Cloud, Autumn, Avacon and Fusion.

Information for the press

SK Tarpon/NS Tech
Loures Consultoria
Jonathas Ruiz – – Tel: (+55 11) 993857406
Luci Anunciato –

The NSTech and Praxio merger will consolidate their leadership in Latin America. The round will finance their M&A strategy and also their vision to offer a complete end-to-end solution for their ecosystem.

Sao Paulo, June 30, 2021 – NSTech, Brazil’s largest logistics technology platform, and Praxio, a technology solutions hub for road freight and passenger transport, announced today a merger that will allow them to put together the most complete ecosystem of logistics and mobility technology in Latin America.

In parallel with the deal, the companies are investing USD 100 million in capital, led by SK Tarpon, through Niche Partners – the fund’s hub focused on investments in leading companies in niche markets – and Greenbridge, a private equity company that invests globally in technology companies and was founded by Swedish Ola Rollen and Melker Schorling (respectively the CEO and main shareholder of HEXAGON AB – a technology company listed on the Stockholm stock exchange with a market value of $35 billion), together with Brazilian investor Eduardo Steinberg, a tech entrepreneur and former CEO of Hexagon Ventures.
The move will help boost growth for the companies, which will be achieved organically and through new acquisitions – 65% of the new capital will be used for acquisitions. Associated with a debt strategy, the investment capacity will be USD 100 million, focused on the passenger, TMS, marketplace and fintech markets, enabling the expansion of the most complete digital platform for the cargo and passenger road transport chains.

The merger means that NSTech now serves six main types of customers: cargo carriers, shippers, drivers, players in passenger transport, insurers and insurance brokers specialized in transportation. The goal is to offer a simple and complete solution that contributes to the growth of customers and supports them in the pursuit of better operational efficiency.

“Potential M&A’s will also be facilitated with the merger. We will also prepare the new company for its IPO, which should happen within three years,” says Vasco Oliveira, a partner at SK Tarpon and CEO of Niche Partners, with more than 20 years’ experience in logistics.

The merger will also allow NSTech to extend its leadership in the logistics and mobility tech sector in Latin America, just over eight months since it made its first acquisition of Buonny, a leading Brazilian tech company for logistics risk management and productivity.

The deal’s figures are impressive. NSTech now has an Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) of $70 million, with over 90% recurring revenue. The company now has 28,000 customers and 14 products, eight of them leaders – with high gross margins and plenty of room for organic growth. The platform also includes the most extensive database in the sector, with more than 1.8 million registered drivers and USD 2.5 trillion of cargo a year, in addition to more than 90 million loads carried per month. For 2021, NSTech forecasts EBITDA of approximately USD 20 million, not including further acquisitions.

Long Term

Despite the potential IPO, both Greenbridge and SK Tarpon hve a long-term commitment to the platform. “The IPO is just one step in the journey, which will allow us to continue expanding the company into other markets, especially in Latin America,” says Eduardo Steinberg, a partner at Greenbridge. “We already operate in Mexico and will begin expansion in Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador. Some of our solutions are also very adherent to mature markets, such as the USA and Europe,” says Vasco.

NSTech tackles one of the main obstacles to Brazil’s development – inefficiency in the transport network. Brazil currently spends more than 12% of GDP on logistics, compared to approximately 7% in the USA. About 40% of the fleet runs empty, with no loads. Furthermore, Brazil ranks third in cargo theft globally, two positions behind Mexico, which tops the list – and it suffers a high volume of accidents on federal roads involving trucks: approximately 20,000 a year. The data is from NSTech, compiled from various sources.

A significant part of the solution to these obstacles can be supplied through technology, which helps companies be more productive while mitigating theft and accidents.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

SK Tarpon has created an ecosystem with interdependent hubs from the lessons learned over its 18 years in business, each focused on a different market with dedicated teams and great depth – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem.

Its approach involves drawing up investment theses, running robust investment diligence and approval processes, valuing business legacies and existing talents, setting a new pace in management and identifying, with investment management, levers to set business growth in motion.

Niche Partners, part of SK Tarpon’s ecosystem, was created to seek partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to maximize and establish these entrepreneurs’ legacies since its strategy provides for the maintenance of brands, cultures, and management teams to take companies to a new performance level. As the focus of its investments the company looks for significant margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Greenbridge

Greenbridge is a privately held investment firm with a focus on technology in mature and emerging markets. Greenbridge Partners’ strategy is to make long-term investments in a limited number of holdings in which it can enhance the value as an active shareholder. The team has valuable experience in both technology and strategy and aims to work closely with its portfolio companies’ management to transform businesses into global leaders.

About NSTech

NSTech is the largest logistics technology platform in Brazil. Created in 2021, the thesis is managed by Niche Partners. Prior to the merger with Praxio the operation consolidated four groups of companies around a holding company: Buonny, Opentech, AT&M, and Brasil Risk, leaders in the Brazilian logistics market, with almost 20,000 customers and the largest database in the segment.
The purpose of bringing companies together under the NSTech umbrella is to generate value for the country through the optimization of the logistics sector, contributing to the success, growth, and profitability of five major categories of customers: drivers, carriers, shippers, insurance brokers and insurance companies that operate in cargo transport.

NSTech supports the group’s companies to be more efficient in their logistics: optimization of financial resources, faster deliveries, reduction of CO2 emissions, accidents and thefts.

About Praxio

Praxio is a supplier of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to the transportation and logistics industries, active in both the passenger and cargo segments. Headquartered in São Paulo, the company has offices in seven states and is present throughout Brazil. The company grew organically and through acquisitions in the past years, adding to its portfolio important companies like: Hive.Cloud, Autumn, Avacon and Fusion.

Information for the press

SK Tarpon/NS Tech
Loures Consultoria
Jonathas Ruiz – – Tel: (+55 11) 993857406
Luci Anunciato –

The NSTech and Praxio merger will consolidate their leadership in Latin America. The round will finance their M&A strategy and also their vision to offer a complete end-to-end solution for their ecosystem.

Sao Paulo, June 30, 2021 – NSTech, Brazil’s largest logistics technology platform, and Praxio, a technology solutions hub for road freight and passenger transport, announced today a merger that will allow them to put together the most complete ecosystem of logistics and mobility technology in Latin America.

In parallel with the deal, the companies are investing USD 100 million in capital, led by SK Tarpon, through Niche Partners – the fund’s hub focused on investments in leading companies in niche markets – and Greenbridge, a private equity company that invests globally in technology companies and was founded by Swedish Ola Rollen and Melker Schorling (respectively the CEO and main shareholder of HEXAGON AB – a technology company listed on the Stockholm stock exchange with a market value of $35 billion), together with Brazilian investor Eduardo Steinberg, a tech entrepreneur and former CEO of Hexagon Ventures.
The move will help boost growth for the companies, which will be achieved organically and through new acquisitions – 65% of the new capital will be used for acquisitions. Associated with a debt strategy, the investment capacity will be USD 100 million, focused on the passenger, TMS, marketplace and fintech markets, enabling the expansion of the most complete digital platform for the cargo and passenger road transport chains.

The merger means that NSTech now serves six main types of customers: cargo carriers, shippers, drivers, players in passenger transport, insurers and insurance brokers specialized in transportation. The goal is to offer a simple and complete solution that contributes to the growth of customers and supports them in the pursuit of better operational efficiency.

“Potential M&A’s will also be facilitated with the merger. We will also prepare the new company for its IPO, which should happen within three years,” says Vasco Oliveira, a partner at SK Tarpon and CEO of Niche Partners, with more than 20 years’ experience in logistics.

The merger will also allow NSTech to extend its leadership in the logistics and mobility tech sector in Latin America, just over eight months since it made its first acquisition of Buonny, a leading Brazilian tech company for logistics risk management and productivity.

The deal’s figures are impressive. NSTech now has an Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) of $70 million, with over 90% recurring revenue. The company now has 28,000 customers and 14 products, eight of them leaders – with high gross margins and plenty of room for organic growth. The platform also includes the most extensive database in the sector, with more than 1.8 million registered drivers and USD 2.5 trillion of cargo a year, in addition to more than 90 million loads carried per month. For 2021, NSTech forecasts EBITDA of approximately USD 20 million, not including further acquisitions.

Long Term

Despite the potential IPO, both Greenbridge and SK Tarpon hve a long-term commitment to the platform. “The IPO is just one step in the journey, which will allow us to continue expanding the company into other markets, especially in Latin America,” says Eduardo Steinberg, a partner at Greenbridge. “We already operate in Mexico and will begin expansion in Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador. Some of our solutions are also very adherent to mature markets, such as the USA and Europe,” says Vasco.

NSTech tackles one of the main obstacles to Brazil’s development – inefficiency in the transport network. Brazil currently spends more than 12% of GDP on logistics, compared to approximately 7% in the USA. About 40% of the fleet runs empty, with no loads. Furthermore, Brazil ranks third in cargo theft globally, two positions behind Mexico, which tops the list – and it suffers a high volume of accidents on federal roads involving trucks: approximately 20,000 a year. The data is from NSTech, compiled from various sources.

A significant part of the solution to these obstacles can be supplied through technology, which helps companies be more productive while mitigating theft and accidents.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

SK Tarpon has created an ecosystem with interdependent hubs from the lessons learned over its 18 years in business, each focused on a different market with dedicated teams and great depth – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem.

Its approach involves drawing up investment theses, running robust investment diligence and approval processes, valuing business legacies and existing talents, setting a new pace in management and identifying, with investment management, levers to set business growth in motion.

Niche Partners, part of SK Tarpon’s ecosystem, was created to seek partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to maximize and establish these entrepreneurs’ legacies since its strategy provides for the maintenance of brands, cultures, and management teams to take companies to a new performance level. As the focus of its investments the company looks for significant margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Greenbridge

Greenbridge is a privately held investment firm with a focus on technology in mature and emerging markets. Greenbridge Partners’ strategy is to make long-term investments in a limited number of holdings in which it can enhance the value as an active shareholder. The team has valuable experience in both technology and strategy and aims to work closely with its portfolio companies’ management to transform businesses into global leaders.

About NSTech

NSTech is the largest logistics technology platform in Brazil. Created in 2021, the thesis is managed by Niche Partners. Prior to the merger with Praxio the operation consolidated four groups of companies around a holding company: Buonny, Opentech, AT&M, and Brasil Risk, leaders in the Brazilian logistics market, with almost 20,000 customers and the largest database in the segment.
The purpose of bringing companies together under the NSTech umbrella is to generate value for the country through the optimization of the logistics sector, contributing to the success, growth, and profitability of five major categories of customers: drivers, carriers, shippers, insurance brokers and insurance companies that operate in cargo transport.

NSTech supports the group’s companies to be more efficient in their logistics: optimization of financial resources, faster deliveries, reduction of CO2 emissions, accidents and thefts.

About Praxio

Praxio is a supplier of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to the transportation and logistics industries, active in both the passenger and cargo segments. Headquartered in São Paulo, the company has offices in seven states and is present throughout Brazil. The company grew organically and through acquisitions in the past years, adding to its portfolio important companies like: Hive.Cloud, Autumn, Avacon and Fusion.

Information for the press

SK Tarpon/NS Tech
Loures Consultoria
Jonathas Ruiz – – Tel: (+55 11) 993857406
Luci Anunciato –

The NSTech and Praxio merger will consolidate their leadership in Latin America. The round will finance their M&A strategy and also their vision to offer a complete end-to-end solution for their ecosystem.

Sao Paulo, June 30, 2021 – NSTech, Brazil’s largest logistics technology platform, and Praxio, a technology solutions hub for road freight and passenger transport, announced today a merger that will allow them to put together the most complete ecosystem of logistics and mobility technology in Latin America.

In parallel with the deal, the companies are investing USD 100 million in capital, led by SK Tarpon, through Niche Partners – the fund’s hub focused on investments in leading companies in niche markets – and Greenbridge, a private equity company that invests globally in technology companies and was founded by Swedish Ola Rollen and Melker Schorling (respectively the CEO and main shareholder of HEXAGON AB – a technology company listed on the Stockholm stock exchange with a market value of $35 billion), together with Brazilian investor Eduardo Steinberg, a tech entrepreneur and former CEO of Hexagon Ventures.
The move will help boost growth for the companies, which will be achieved organically and through new acquisitions – 65% of the new capital will be used for acquisitions. Associated with a debt strategy, the investment capacity will be USD 100 million, focused on the passenger, TMS, marketplace and fintech markets, enabling the expansion of the most complete digital platform for the cargo and passenger road transport chains.

The merger means that NSTech now serves six main types of customers: cargo carriers, shippers, drivers, players in passenger transport, insurers and insurance brokers specialized in transportation. The goal is to offer a simple and complete solution that contributes to the growth of customers and supports them in the pursuit of better operational efficiency.

“Potential M&A’s will also be facilitated with the merger. We will also prepare the new company for its IPO, which should happen within three years,” says Vasco Oliveira, a partner at SK Tarpon and CEO of Niche Partners, with more than 20 years’ experience in logistics.

The merger will also allow NSTech to extend its leadership in the logistics and mobility tech sector in Latin America, just over eight months since it made its first acquisition of Buonny, a leading Brazilian tech company for logistics risk management and productivity.

The deal’s figures are impressive. NSTech now has an Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) of $70 million, with over 90% recurring revenue. The company now has 28,000 customers and 14 products, eight of them leaders – with high gross margins and plenty of room for organic growth. The platform also includes the most extensive database in the sector, with more than 1.8 million registered drivers and USD 2.5 trillion of cargo a year, in addition to more than 90 million loads carried per month. For 2021, NSTech forecasts EBITDA of approximately USD 20 million, not including further acquisitions.

Long Term

Despite the potential IPO, both Greenbridge and SK Tarpon hve a long-term commitment to the platform. “The IPO is just one step in the journey, which will allow us to continue expanding the company into other markets, especially in Latin America,” says Eduardo Steinberg, a partner at Greenbridge. “We already operate in Mexico and will begin expansion in Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador. Some of our solutions are also very adherent to mature markets, such as the USA and Europe,” says Vasco.

NSTech tackles one of the main obstacles to Brazil’s development – inefficiency in the transport network. Brazil currently spends more than 12% of GDP on logistics, compared to approximately 7% in the USA. About 40% of the fleet runs empty, with no loads. Furthermore, Brazil ranks third in cargo theft globally, two positions behind Mexico, which tops the list – and it suffers a high volume of accidents on federal roads involving trucks: approximately 20,000 a year. The data is from NSTech, compiled from various sources.

A significant part of the solution to these obstacles can be supplied through technology, which helps companies be more productive while mitigating theft and accidents.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

SK Tarpon has created an ecosystem with interdependent hubs from the lessons learned over its 18 years in business, each focused on a different market with dedicated teams and great depth – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem.

Its approach involves drawing up investment theses, running robust investment diligence and approval processes, valuing business legacies and existing talents, setting a new pace in management and identifying, with investment management, levers to set business growth in motion.

Niche Partners, part of SK Tarpon’s ecosystem, was created to seek partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to maximize and establish these entrepreneurs’ legacies since its strategy provides for the maintenance of brands, cultures, and management teams to take companies to a new performance level. As the focus of its investments the company looks for significant margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Greenbridge

Greenbridge is a privately held investment firm with a focus on technology in mature and emerging markets. Greenbridge Partners’ strategy is to make long-term investments in a limited number of holdings in which it can enhance the value as an active shareholder. The team has valuable experience in both technology and strategy and aims to work closely with its portfolio companies’ management to transform businesses into global leaders.

About NSTech

NSTech is the largest logistics technology platform in Brazil. Created in 2021, the thesis is managed by Niche Partners. Prior to the merger with Praxio the operation consolidated four groups of companies around a holding company: Buonny, Opentech, AT&M, and Brasil Risk, leaders in the Brazilian logistics market, with almost 20,000 customers and the largest database in the segment.
The purpose of bringing companies together under the NSTech umbrella is to generate value for the country through the optimization of the logistics sector, contributing to the success, growth, and profitability of five major categories of customers: drivers, carriers, shippers, insurance brokers and insurance companies that operate in cargo transport.

NSTech supports the group’s companies to be more efficient in their logistics: optimization of financial resources, faster deliveries, reduction of CO2 emissions, accidents and thefts.

About Praxio

Praxio is a supplier of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to the transportation and logistics industries, active in both the passenger and cargo segments. Headquartered in São Paulo, the company has offices in seven states and is present throughout Brazil. The company grew organically and through acquisitions in the past years, adding to its portfolio important companies like: Hive.Cloud, Autumn, Avacon and Fusion.

Information for the press

SK Tarpon/NS Tech
Loures Consultoria
Jonathas Ruiz – – Tel: (+55 11) 993857406
Luci Anunciato –

The NSTech and Praxio merger will consolidate their leadership in Latin America. The round will finance their M&A strategy and also their vision to offer a complete end-to-end solution for their ecosystem.

Sao Paulo, June 30, 2021 – NSTech, Brazil’s largest logistics technology platform, and Praxio, a technology solutions hub for road freight and passenger transport, announced today a merger that will allow them to put together the most complete ecosystem of logistics and mobility technology in Latin America.

In parallel with the deal, the companies are investing USD 100 million in capital, led by SK Tarpon, through Niche Partners – the fund’s hub focused on investments in leading companies in niche markets – and Greenbridge, a private equity company that invests globally in technology companies and was founded by Swedish Ola Rollen and Melker Schorling (respectively the CEO and main shareholder of HEXAGON AB – a technology company listed on the Stockholm stock exchange with a market value of $35 billion), together with Brazilian investor Eduardo Steinberg, a tech entrepreneur and former CEO of Hexagon Ventures.
The move will help boost growth for the companies, which will be achieved organically and through new acquisitions – 65% of the new capital will be used for acquisitions. Associated with a debt strategy, the investment capacity will be USD 100 million, focused on the passenger, TMS, marketplace and fintech markets, enabling the expansion of the most complete digital platform for the cargo and passenger road transport chains.

The merger means that NSTech now serves six main types of customers: cargo carriers, shippers, drivers, players in passenger transport, insurers and insurance brokers specialized in transportation. The goal is to offer a simple and complete solution that contributes to the growth of customers and supports them in the pursuit of better operational efficiency.

“Potential M&A’s will also be facilitated with the merger. We will also prepare the new company for its IPO, which should happen within three years,” says Vasco Oliveira, a partner at SK Tarpon and CEO of Niche Partners, with more than 20 years’ experience in logistics.

The merger will also allow NSTech to extend its leadership in the logistics and mobility tech sector in Latin America, just over eight months since it made its first acquisition of Buonny, a leading Brazilian tech company for logistics risk management and productivity.

The deal’s figures are impressive. NSTech now has an Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) of $70 million, with over 90% recurring revenue. The company now has 28,000 customers and 14 products, eight of them leaders – with high gross margins and plenty of room for organic growth. The platform also includes the most extensive database in the sector, with more than 1.8 million registered drivers and USD 2.5 trillion of cargo a year, in addition to more than 90 million loads carried per month. For 2021, NSTech forecasts EBITDA of approximately USD 20 million, not including further acquisitions.

Long Term

Despite the potential IPO, both Greenbridge and SK Tarpon hve a long-term commitment to the platform. “The IPO is just one step in the journey, which will allow us to continue expanding the company into other markets, especially in Latin America,” says Eduardo Steinberg, a partner at Greenbridge. “We already operate in Mexico and will begin expansion in Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador. Some of our solutions are also very adherent to mature markets, such as the USA and Europe,” says Vasco.

NSTech tackles one of the main obstacles to Brazil’s development – inefficiency in the transport network. Brazil currently spends more than 12% of GDP on logistics, compared to approximately 7% in the USA. About 40% of the fleet runs empty, with no loads. Furthermore, Brazil ranks third in cargo theft globally, two positions behind Mexico, which tops the list – and it suffers a high volume of accidents on federal roads involving trucks: approximately 20,000 a year. The data is from NSTech, compiled from various sources.

A significant part of the solution to these obstacles can be supplied through technology, which helps companies be more productive while mitigating theft and accidents.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

SK Tarpon has created an ecosystem with interdependent hubs from the lessons learned over its 18 years in business, each focused on a different market with dedicated teams and great depth – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem.

Its approach involves drawing up investment theses, running robust investment diligence and approval processes, valuing business legacies and existing talents, setting a new pace in management and identifying, with investment management, levers to set business growth in motion.

Niche Partners, part of SK Tarpon’s ecosystem, was created to seek partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to maximize and establish these entrepreneurs’ legacies since its strategy provides for the maintenance of brands, cultures, and management teams to take companies to a new performance level. As the focus of its investments the company looks for significant margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Greenbridge

Greenbridge is a privately held investment firm with a focus on technology in mature and emerging markets. Greenbridge Partners’ strategy is to make long-term investments in a limited number of holdings in which it can enhance the value as an active shareholder. The team has valuable experience in both technology and strategy and aims to work closely with its portfolio companies’ management to transform businesses into global leaders.

About NSTech

NSTech is the largest logistics technology platform in Brazil. Created in 2021, the thesis is managed by Niche Partners. Prior to the merger with Praxio the operation consolidated four groups of companies around a holding company: Buonny, Opentech, AT&M, and Brasil Risk, leaders in the Brazilian logistics market, with almost 20,000 customers and the largest database in the segment.
The purpose of bringing companies together under the NSTech umbrella is to generate value for the country through the optimization of the logistics sector, contributing to the success, growth, and profitability of five major categories of customers: drivers, carriers, shippers, insurance brokers and insurance companies that operate in cargo transport.

NSTech supports the group’s companies to be more efficient in their logistics: optimization of financial resources, faster deliveries, reduction of CO2 emissions, accidents and thefts.

About Praxio

Praxio is a supplier of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to the transportation and logistics industries, active in both the passenger and cargo segments. Headquartered in São Paulo, the company has offices in seven states and is present throughout Brazil. The company grew organically and through acquisitions in the past years, adding to its portfolio important companies like: Hive.Cloud, Autumn, Avacon and Fusion.

Information for the press

SK Tarpon/NS Tech
Loures Consultoria
Jonathas Ruiz – – Tel: (+55 11) 993857406
Luci Anunciato –

The NSTech and Praxio merger will consolidate their leadership in Latin America. The round will finance their M&A strategy and also their vision to offer a complete end-to-end solution for their ecosystem.

Sao Paulo, June 30, 2021 – NSTech, Brazil’s largest logistics technology platform, and Praxio, a technology solutions hub for road freight and passenger transport, announced today a merger that will allow them to put together the most complete ecosystem of logistics and mobility technology in Latin America.

In parallel with the deal, the companies are investing USD 100 million in capital, led by SK Tarpon, through Niche Partners – the fund’s hub focused on investments in leading companies in niche markets – and Greenbridge, a private equity company that invests globally in technology companies and was founded by Swedish Ola Rollen and Melker Schorling (respectively the CEO and main shareholder of HEXAGON AB – a technology company listed on the Stockholm stock exchange with a market value of $35 billion), together with Brazilian investor Eduardo Steinberg, a tech entrepreneur and former CEO of Hexagon Ventures.
The move will help boost growth for the companies, which will be achieved organically and through new acquisitions – 65% of the new capital will be used for acquisitions. Associated with a debt strategy, the investment capacity will be USD 100 million, focused on the passenger, TMS, marketplace and fintech markets, enabling the expansion of the most complete digital platform for the cargo and passenger road transport chains.

The merger means that NSTech now serves six main types of customers: cargo carriers, shippers, drivers, players in passenger transport, insurers and insurance brokers specialized in transportation. The goal is to offer a simple and complete solution that contributes to the growth of customers and supports them in the pursuit of better operational efficiency.

“Potential M&A’s will also be facilitated with the merger. We will also prepare the new company for its IPO, which should happen within three years,” says Vasco Oliveira, a partner at SK Tarpon and CEO of Niche Partners, with more than 20 years’ experience in logistics.

The merger will also allow NSTech to extend its leadership in the logistics and mobility tech sector in Latin America, just over eight months since it made its first acquisition of Buonny, a leading Brazilian tech company for logistics risk management and productivity.

The deal’s figures are impressive. NSTech now has an Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) of $70 million, with over 90% recurring revenue. The company now has 28,000 customers and 14 products, eight of them leaders – with high gross margins and plenty of room for organic growth. The platform also includes the most extensive database in the sector, with more than 1.8 million registered drivers and USD 2.5 trillion of cargo a year, in addition to more than 90 million loads carried per month. For 2021, NSTech forecasts EBITDA of approximately USD 20 million, not including further acquisitions.

Long Term

Despite the potential IPO, both Greenbridge and SK Tarpon hve a long-term commitment to the platform. “The IPO is just one step in the journey, which will allow us to continue expanding the company into other markets, especially in Latin America,” says Eduardo Steinberg, a partner at Greenbridge. “We already operate in Mexico and will begin expansion in Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador. Some of our solutions are also very adherent to mature markets, such as the USA and Europe,” says Vasco.

NSTech tackles one of the main obstacles to Brazil’s development – inefficiency in the transport network. Brazil currently spends more than 12% of GDP on logistics, compared to approximately 7% in the USA. About 40% of the fleet runs empty, with no loads. Furthermore, Brazil ranks third in cargo theft globally, two positions behind Mexico, which tops the list – and it suffers a high volume of accidents on federal roads involving trucks: approximately 20,000 a year. The data is from NSTech, compiled from various sources.

A significant part of the solution to these obstacles can be supplied through technology, which helps companies be more productive while mitigating theft and accidents.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

SK Tarpon has created an ecosystem with interdependent hubs from the lessons learned over its 18 years in business, each focused on a different market with dedicated teams and great depth – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem.

Its approach involves drawing up investment theses, running robust investment diligence and approval processes, valuing business legacies and existing talents, setting a new pace in management and identifying, with investment management, levers to set business growth in motion.

Niche Partners, part of SK Tarpon’s ecosystem, was created to seek partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to maximize and establish these entrepreneurs’ legacies since its strategy provides for the maintenance of brands, cultures, and management teams to take companies to a new performance level. As the focus of its investments the company looks for significant margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Greenbridge

Greenbridge is a privately held investment firm with a focus on technology in mature and emerging markets. Greenbridge Partners’ strategy is to make long-term investments in a limited number of holdings in which it can enhance the value as an active shareholder. The team has valuable experience in both technology and strategy and aims to work closely with its portfolio companies’ management to transform businesses into global leaders.

About NSTech

NSTech is the largest logistics technology platform in Brazil. Created in 2021, the thesis is managed by Niche Partners. Prior to the merger with Praxio the operation consolidated four groups of companies around a holding company: Buonny, Opentech, AT&M, and Brasil Risk, leaders in the Brazilian logistics market, with almost 20,000 customers and the largest database in the segment.
The purpose of bringing companies together under the NSTech umbrella is to generate value for the country through the optimization of the logistics sector, contributing to the success, growth, and profitability of five major categories of customers: drivers, carriers, shippers, insurance brokers and insurance companies that operate in cargo transport.

NSTech supports the group’s companies to be more efficient in their logistics: optimization of financial resources, faster deliveries, reduction of CO2 emissions, accidents and thefts.

About Praxio

Praxio is a supplier of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to the transportation and logistics industries, active in both the passenger and cargo segments. Headquartered in São Paulo, the company has offices in seven states and is present throughout Brazil. The company grew organically and through acquisitions in the past years, adding to its portfolio important companies like: Hive.Cloud, Autumn, Avacon and Fusion.

Information for the press

SK Tarpon/NS Tech
Loures Consultoria
Jonathas Ruiz – – Tel: (+55 11) 993857406
Luci Anunciato –

The NSTech and Praxio merger will consolidate their leadership in Latin America. The round will finance their M&A strategy and also their vision to offer a complete end-to-end solution for their ecosystem.

Sao Paulo, June 30, 2021 – NSTech, Brazil’s largest logistics technology platform, and Praxio, a technology solutions hub for road freight and passenger transport, announced today a merger that will allow them to put together the most complete ecosystem of logistics and mobility technology in Latin America.

In parallel with the deal, the companies are investing USD 100 million in capital, led by SK Tarpon, through Niche Partners – the fund’s hub focused on investments in leading companies in niche markets – and Greenbridge, a private equity company that invests globally in technology companies and was founded by Swedish Ola Rollen and Melker Schorling (respectively the CEO and main shareholder of HEXAGON AB – a technology company listed on the Stockholm stock exchange with a market value of $35 billion), together with Brazilian investor Eduardo Steinberg, a tech entrepreneur and former CEO of Hexagon Ventures.
The move will help boost growth for the companies, which will be achieved organically and through new acquisitions – 65% of the new capital will be used for acquisitions. Associated with a debt strategy, the investment capacity will be USD 100 million, focused on the passenger, TMS, marketplace and fintech markets, enabling the expansion of the most complete digital platform for the cargo and passenger road transport chains.

The merger means that NSTech now serves six main types of customers: cargo carriers, shippers, drivers, players in passenger transport, insurers and insurance brokers specialized in transportation. The goal is to offer a simple and complete solution that contributes to the growth of customers and supports them in the pursuit of better operational efficiency.

“Potential M&A’s will also be facilitated with the merger. We will also prepare the new company for its IPO, which should happen within three years,” says Vasco Oliveira, a partner at SK Tarpon and CEO of Niche Partners, with more than 20 years’ experience in logistics.

The merger will also allow NSTech to extend its leadership in the logistics and mobility tech sector in Latin America, just over eight months since it made its first acquisition of Buonny, a leading Brazilian tech company for logistics risk management and productivity.

The deal’s figures are impressive. NSTech now has an Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) of $70 million, with over 90% recurring revenue. The company now has 28,000 customers and 14 products, eight of them leaders – with high gross margins and plenty of room for organic growth. The platform also includes the most extensive database in the sector, with more than 1.8 million registered drivers and USD 2.5 trillion of cargo a year, in addition to more than 90 million loads carried per month. For 2021, NSTech forecasts EBITDA of approximately USD 20 million, not including further acquisitions.

Long Term

Despite the potential IPO, both Greenbridge and SK Tarpon hve a long-term commitment to the platform. “The IPO is just one step in the journey, which will allow us to continue expanding the company into other markets, especially in Latin America,” says Eduardo Steinberg, a partner at Greenbridge. “We already operate in Mexico and will begin expansion in Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador. Some of our solutions are also very adherent to mature markets, such as the USA and Europe,” says Vasco.

NSTech tackles one of the main obstacles to Brazil’s development – inefficiency in the transport network. Brazil currently spends more than 12% of GDP on logistics, compared to approximately 7% in the USA. About 40% of the fleet runs empty, with no loads. Furthermore, Brazil ranks third in cargo theft globally, two positions behind Mexico, which tops the list – and it suffers a high volume of accidents on federal roads involving trucks: approximately 20,000 a year. The data is from NSTech, compiled from various sources.

A significant part of the solution to these obstacles can be supplied through technology, which helps companies be more productive while mitigating theft and accidents.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

SK Tarpon has created an ecosystem with interdependent hubs from the lessons learned over its 18 years in business, each focused on a different market with dedicated teams and great depth – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem.

Its approach involves drawing up investment theses, running robust investment diligence and approval processes, valuing business legacies and existing talents, setting a new pace in management and identifying, with investment management, levers to set business growth in motion.

Niche Partners, part of SK Tarpon’s ecosystem, was created to seek partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to maximize and establish these entrepreneurs’ legacies since its strategy provides for the maintenance of brands, cultures, and management teams to take companies to a new performance level. As the focus of its investments the company looks for significant margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Greenbridge

Greenbridge is a privately held investment firm with a focus on technology in mature and emerging markets. Greenbridge Partners’ strategy is to make long-term investments in a limited number of holdings in which it can enhance the value as an active shareholder. The team has valuable experience in both technology and strategy and aims to work closely with its portfolio companies’ management to transform businesses into global leaders.

About NSTech

NSTech is the largest logistics technology platform in Brazil. Created in 2021, the thesis is managed by Niche Partners. Prior to the merger with Praxio the operation consolidated four groups of companies around a holding company: Buonny, Opentech, AT&M, and Brasil Risk, leaders in the Brazilian logistics market, with almost 20,000 customers and the largest database in the segment.
The purpose of bringing companies together under the NSTech umbrella is to generate value for the country through the optimization of the logistics sector, contributing to the success, growth, and profitability of five major categories of customers: drivers, carriers, shippers, insurance brokers and insurance companies that operate in cargo transport.

NSTech supports the group’s companies to be more efficient in their logistics: optimization of financial resources, faster deliveries, reduction of CO2 emissions, accidents and thefts.

About Praxio

Praxio is a supplier of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to the transportation and logistics industries, active in both the passenger and cargo segments. Headquartered in São Paulo, the company has offices in seven states and is present throughout Brazil. The company grew organically and through acquisitions in the past years, adding to its portfolio important companies like: Hive.Cloud, Autumn, Avacon and Fusion.

Information for the press

SK Tarpon/NS Tech
Loures Consultoria
Jonathas Ruiz – – Tel: (+55 11) 993857406
Luci Anunciato –

The NSTech and Praxio merger will consolidate their leadership in Latin America. The round will finance their M&A strategy and also their vision to offer a complete end-to-end solution for their ecosystem.

Sao Paulo, June 30, 2021 – NSTech, Brazil’s largest logistics technology platform, and Praxio, a technology solutions hub for road freight and passenger transport, announced today a merger that will allow them to put together the most complete ecosystem of logistics and mobility technology in Latin America.

In parallel with the deal, the companies are investing USD 100 million in capital, led by SK Tarpon, through Niche Partners – the fund’s hub focused on investments in leading companies in niche markets – and Greenbridge, a private equity company that invests globally in technology companies and was founded by Swedish Ola Rollen and Melker Schorling (respectively the CEO and main shareholder of HEXAGON AB – a technology company listed on the Stockholm stock exchange with a market value of $35 billion), together with Brazilian investor Eduardo Steinberg, a tech entrepreneur and former CEO of Hexagon Ventures.
The move will help boost growth for the companies, which will be achieved organically and through new acquisitions – 65% of the new capital will be used for acquisitions. Associated with a debt strategy, the investment capacity will be USD 100 million, focused on the passenger, TMS, marketplace and fintech markets, enabling the expansion of the most complete digital platform for the cargo and passenger road transport chains.

The merger means that NSTech now serves six main types of customers: cargo carriers, shippers, drivers, players in passenger transport, insurers and insurance brokers specialized in transportation. The goal is to offer a simple and complete solution that contributes to the growth of customers and supports them in the pursuit of better operational efficiency.

“Potential M&A’s will also be facilitated with the merger. We will also prepare the new company for its IPO, which should happen within three years,” says Vasco Oliveira, a partner at SK Tarpon and CEO of Niche Partners, with more than 20 years’ experience in logistics.

The merger will also allow NSTech to extend its leadership in the logistics and mobility tech sector in Latin America, just over eight months since it made its first acquisition of Buonny, a leading Brazilian tech company for logistics risk management and productivity.

The deal’s figures are impressive. NSTech now has an Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) of $70 million, with over 90% recurring revenue. The company now has 28,000 customers and 14 products, eight of them leaders – with high gross margins and plenty of room for organic growth. The platform also includes the most extensive database in the sector, with more than 1.8 million registered drivers and USD 2.5 trillion of cargo a year, in addition to more than 90 million loads carried per month. For 2021, NSTech forecasts EBITDA of approximately USD 20 million, not including further acquisitions.

Long Term

Despite the potential IPO, both Greenbridge and SK Tarpon hve a long-term commitment to the platform. “The IPO is just one step in the journey, which will allow us to continue expanding the company into other markets, especially in Latin America,” says Eduardo Steinberg, a partner at Greenbridge. “We already operate in Mexico and will begin expansion in Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador. Some of our solutions are also very adherent to mature markets, such as the USA and Europe,” says Vasco.

NSTech tackles one of the main obstacles to Brazil’s development – inefficiency in the transport network. Brazil currently spends more than 12% of GDP on logistics, compared to approximately 7% in the USA. About 40% of the fleet runs empty, with no loads. Furthermore, Brazil ranks third in cargo theft globally, two positions behind Mexico, which tops the list – and it suffers a high volume of accidents on federal roads involving trucks: approximately 20,000 a year. The data is from NSTech, compiled from various sources.

A significant part of the solution to these obstacles can be supplied through technology, which helps companies be more productive while mitigating theft and accidents.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

SK Tarpon has created an ecosystem with interdependent hubs from the lessons learned over its 18 years in business, each focused on a different market with dedicated teams and great depth – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem.

Its approach involves drawing up investment theses, running robust investment diligence and approval processes, valuing business legacies and existing talents, setting a new pace in management and identifying, with investment management, levers to set business growth in motion.

Niche Partners, part of SK Tarpon’s ecosystem, was created to seek partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to maximize and establish these entrepreneurs’ legacies since its strategy provides for the maintenance of brands, cultures, and management teams to take companies to a new performance level. As the focus of its investments the company looks for significant margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Greenbridge

Greenbridge is a privately held investment firm with a focus on technology in mature and emerging markets. Greenbridge Partners’ strategy is to make long-term investments in a limited number of holdings in which it can enhance the value as an active shareholder. The team has valuable experience in both technology and strategy and aims to work closely with its portfolio companies’ management to transform businesses into global leaders.

About NSTech

NSTech is the largest logistics technology platform in Brazil. Created in 2021, the thesis is managed by Niche Partners. Prior to the merger with Praxio the operation consolidated four groups of companies around a holding company: Buonny, Opentech, AT&M, and Brasil Risk, leaders in the Brazilian logistics market, with almost 20,000 customers and the largest database in the segment.
The purpose of bringing companies together under the NSTech umbrella is to generate value for the country through the optimization of the logistics sector, contributing to the success, growth, and profitability of five major categories of customers: drivers, carriers, shippers, insurance brokers and insurance companies that operate in cargo transport.

NSTech supports the group’s companies to be more efficient in their logistics: optimization of financial resources, faster deliveries, reduction of CO2 emissions, accidents and thefts.

About Praxio

Praxio is a supplier of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to the transportation and logistics industries, active in both the passenger and cargo segments. Headquartered in São Paulo, the company has offices in seven states and is present throughout Brazil. The company grew organically and through acquisitions in the past years, adding to its portfolio important companies like: Hive.Cloud, Autumn, Avacon and Fusion.

Information for the press

SK Tarpon/NS Tech
Loures Consultoria
Jonathas Ruiz – – Tel: (+55 11) 993857406
Luci Anunciato –

Conjuntamente com a aquisição da empresa Brasil Risk, a gestora anuncia a holding que visa criar uma completa solução de tecnologia para a logística na América Latina.

A SK Tarpon anuncia a criação da NSTech, maior plataforma de tecnologia para logística do Brasil. A tese será gerida pela Niche Partners, que faz parte do ecossistema da gestora e que busca investimentos em empresas líderes em mercados de nicho, tendo desenvolvido uma tese ligada à tecnologia para a cadeia de Supply Chain.

A NSTech chega conjuntamente com a aquisição da empresa Brasil Risk, líder no mercado de gerenciamento de risco e gestão de logística para grandes embarcadores e transportadoras – em especial para mercado de Fast Moving Consumer Goods, eletroeletrônicos e químicos, o que a consolida como a maior do país no seu segmento.

A plataforma tecnológica NSTech congrega atualmente quatro grupos de empresas, que possuem maior banco de dados do setor e quase 20 mil clientes. A plataforma vai ajudar os clientes a serem mais eficientes na sua logística: gastar menos, fazer entregas mais rápidas, de maneira mais simples e ágil, reduzindo a emissão de CO2, acidentes e roubos. Atualmente as empresas que formam a holding são:

  • Buonny, empresa líder nacional no segmento de tecnologia para gerenciamento de risco e produtividade logística, possuindo o maior banco de dados de motoristas do Brasil. A Buonny é líder absoluta no segmento voltado para pequenas e médias transportadoras, com mais de 12 mil clientes desse perfil, além de muito forte no varejo e agronegócio.
  • Opentech, líder brasileira em gestão logística e gerenciamento de risco para operações complexas, operadores logísticos, empresas de produtos frigorificados e farmacêuticos, diferenciada pela sua tecnologia e inovação;
  • AT&M, líder inconteste no mercado de averbação de carga, com integração com mais de 400 ERPs e TMS e cerca de 70 milhões de documentos averbados mensalmente, que representam um valor transportado superior a R$1,2 trilhão ao mês;
  • Brasil Risk, líder no mercado de GR para grandes embarcadores e transportadoras, em especial no mercado de Fast Moving Consumer Goods, eletroeletrônicos, e-commerce e químicos, se destacando pela sua capacidade de customização.


O propósito de reunir as empresas no guarda-chuva da NSTech será gerar valor para o país por meio da otimização do setor logístico, contribuindo com o sucesso e crescimento com rentabilidade de cinco grandes categorias de clientes: motoristas, transportadores, embarcadores, corretores de seguro e seguradoras que atuam no transporte de carga.

Existem uma infinidade de softwares e serviços, hoje com soluções muito focadas, porém pouco integradas, e em especial com uma base de dados totalmente fragmentada e de má qualidade. Acreditamos que podemos ajudar nossos clientes a serem mais eficientes e lucrativos. Por isso, estamos criando uma solução com tecnologia de ponta e integração total, para resolver todo e qualquer problema ligado a logística, iniciando pelo transporte rodoviário”, diz Vasco Carvalho Oliveira Neto, CEO da Niche Partners e sócio da SK Tarpon.

As empresas somadas possuem atualmente oito produtos de alto valor para o setor da logística – sendo líder em cinco deles, com altas margens brutas e modelo SaaS, ARR de R$ 249 milhões, sendo 97% recorrente, e um net retention rate de 104%, o que atesta a qualidade dos produtos.

Atualmente a NSTech tem um pipeline de M&A de mais de 15 empresas, que visam complementar o portfólio de produtos para criar uma plataforma One Stop Shop, que simplificará a vida do cliente que poderá resolver seus problemas com apenas um click. Além disso, a plataforma é agnóstica, operando com potenciais concorrentes por acreditar que quem manda é o cliente, e que a coopetição veio para ficar. O objetivo é consolidar o setor na América Latina, onde já opera no México há mais um ano e atualmente está iniciando operações através de demandas de clientes na Colômbia, Peru e Equador.

Ao final do dia, geramos valor para os consumidores finais e para os países como um todo. Uma logística mais barata, rápida e segura é o que todos queremos. Temos a visão de que a tecnologia, o uso intensivo da inteligência artificial, aliados a um time excepcional, são a melhor forma de endereçar estas questões. O propósito é criar valor para o mundo, por meio da otimização da logística. O Brasil gasta hoje cerca de 12% do PIB com logística contra 7% dos Estados Unidos. Mais de 40% dos nossos caminhões rodam vazios, gerando poluição, trânsitos e acidentes que poderiam ser evitados. Além disso, somos o 3º maior país do mundo em roubo de carga e temos anualmente mais de 18 mil acidentes de trânsito só em rodovias federais envolvendo caminhões. Juntos com os empreendedores que fundaram estas empresas excepcionais e um time fora de série, vamos mudar essa realidade. Seremos referência em ESG, e instrumentos indispensáveis para as empresas que se preocupam com o tema”, reflete Vasco.

O empreendedor esteve à frente da estruturação da tese e dispõe de mais de 21 anos de vasta e comprovada experiência na indústria de logística, varejo e agronegócio. O modelo de negócio da holding foi inspirado na Roper Technologies, companhia americana centenária e que investe em empresas líderes de nicho, com um Market Cap de aproximadamente US$46 bilhões, e que desde o seu IPO superou o índice S&P em cerca de 5x.

As empresas da NSTech seguirão operando com 100% de autonomia e independência, mas com uma visão do todo, ou seja, sempre pensando no sucesso dos clientes. O êxito deles será o nosso. Dois fatores foram fundamentais para o êxito destas empresas até aqui: cultura e foco. Acreditamos muito nisso, e vamos ajudar a reforçar e evoluir seus modelos, contribuindo para perpetuar os sonhos de seus fundadores. Nossa responsabilidade é enorme e vamos honrar as suas histórias de muita garra e determinação”, complementa Vasco.

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The company receives its second institutional investment round after significant growth in recent months.

São Paulo, 10 february 2021 – The largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil, Zenklub announces the conclusion of an investment round led by SK Tarpon and GK Ventures, with the participation of the current Portuguese investor Indico. The transaction takes place through the Kamaroopin managers, which strategy is to invest and support companies in a phase of accelerated growth in the creation of lasting value, and GK Ventures, an impact fund that seeks to support companies that are working to solve relevant problems in the country. Zenklub is the first investment of these managers in the health market, which thesis arose from the realization of people’s needs in the search for the improvement of integral health, bringing mental and social balance as a broader health concept. The investment marks the second institutional fundraising round for Zenklub. With the new capital contribution, the startup has an additional R$ 45 million to sustain growth and develop strategic projects in the sector.

Founded in 2016, Zenklub saw the number of clients increase by 515% and the number of online sessions jumped to 50 thousand per month in 2020. Today the platform offers online sessions with more than 800 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, in addition to socio-emotional education training and a strategic data solution for Human Resources and leadership. Last year, demand for healthcare solutions for companies grew by 1,683% and Zenklub started 2021 serving more than 200 corporate customers.

According to Rui Brandão, the startup’s CEO and cofounder, with the investment, Zenklub reinforces cash to boost its growth in 2021. “We want to take the corporate emotional health project to another level, contributing as a consultancy and offering data to the market. The investment will further enhance our professional training and education projects, investing in technologies and using telepsychology expertise to develop the sector. In addition, we will work on customizing the platform according to the needs of each individual, thus creating specific emotional development plans”, he adds.

Pedro Faria, SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin´s co-founder, said the coronavirus pandemic only showed an old problem that was not always understood by the majority of the population, mainly due to a stigma and lack of understanding of its dimensions and manifestations in health as a whole. “We found Zenklub to be a great opportunity to act on a problem of global dimensions, which, due to the lack of treatment, costs more than US $ 1 trillion to the world economy, with Brazil being one of the leaders in terms of anxiety and depression”, he explains. SK Tarpon joined GK Ventures in a project that aims to strengthen the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) movement, bringing companies and professionals as partners to improve individual health and productivity through solutions that cover not only physical health, but mainly the balance between mental and social. The partnership aims to look at the segment from a global perspective, in search of best practices at a global level that address consumer needs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders in the world and fifth in cases of depression. WHO data show that the problem is not limited only to Brazil, but is global in scope. In 2020, there are more than 320 million people in the world with depression and 260 million with anxiety, and most of them without any type of treatment. According to data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), released at the end of last year, the diagnosis of depression by professionals in the sector rose 32.2% in six years, reaching 16.3 million adults in Brazil.

About Zenklub

Zenklub is the largest platform for emotional health and personal development in Brazil. Created in 2016 by doctor Rui Brandão and PhD in computing and telecommunications José Simões, it currently serves companies in more than 980 cities and Brazilians in 124 countries. The platform offers online sessions with more than 500 psychologists, psychoanalysts, coaches and therapists, as well as content in text, audio, video and several other tools in its application. Today, Zenklub impacts 1.5 million people per month and more than 200 companies, including Votorantim Energia, Natura, Qualicorp, Tecnisa and Loggi.

About SK Tarpon and Kamaroopin

Tarpon has a new design, in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate legacy. From the learning of its 18 years of history, the company set up an ecosystem of new another managers companies, each one focused on a different business, through of dedicated teams and very much profundity – this is the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among its managers is located the Kamaroopin, whose purpose is to acceletate the growth of companies, under a collaborative management and concentrated on supporting its business investments. Its approach consists in the elaboration of highly proprietary investment theses, aimed specially on assets related to change of consumption habits, with the conduct of robust diligence and investment approval processes, valuing the business legacy and the team talents, creating a new pace in management and in partnership with the investee companies, to leverage the business growth.

About the Good Karma Ventures

Founded by Eduardo Mufarej, GK Ventures exists to bring together people, resources and knowledge, looking for solutions to relevant problems in Brazil. Its mission is to support social impact initiatives or businesses that have a clear purpose; with enormous potential for scalability; to resolve urgent issues; and that presents great perspectives to the financial results.

Press Information

Zenklub – VCRP Brasil

Laura Sanders – / +55 31 99550-1279
Ludmilla Amaral –

SK Tarpon – Loures Consultoria

Jonathas Ruiz – / +55 11 993857406
Thais de Araujo – / +55 11 99137-0064

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.

The initially-planned outlay of R$ 300 million will be invested in companies to improve the efficiency of national logistics through the intensive use of technology and data

São Paulo, November 30, 2020 – Today SK Tarpon announced an investment in Buonny, a leading Brazilian technology company in the logistics-risk management and productivity segment. This is the first investment led by Niche Partners, part of the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Niche Partners focuses on leading companies in niche markets and has developed a thesis linked to supply chain technologies, a sector that has been undergoing a digitalization process which has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With operations throughout Brazil and other Mercosur countries, Buonny offers technologies and a range of security and logistics operations management solutions. These include modular, adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers. Buonny is currently responsible for managing more than R$ 400 billion a year in transported cargo.

For Vasco Oliveira, the partner at SK Tarpon who is in charge of the project, the investment in Buonny was motivated by its consistent growth and results in recent years, mainly based on proprietary software. “The company’s revenue is predominantly from technology, with more than 90% of it recurrent,” explains Oliveira. Other important differentials include the quality of Buonny’s team, the reputation of its partners, the fact that it has the largest and best database in the sector – with 1.8 million registered drivers, which is central to the strategy – and its portfolio of more than 13,000 active clients.

SK Tarpon’s investment in Buonny is aimed at enhancing and perpetuating the legacy of entrepreneurs Cyro Buonavoglia and Eliel Fernandes, who founded the company 25 years ago and will continue to lead Buonny’s management as senior partners in the business. “The idea is to maintain the brand, culture and team, but with our expertise in management, investments and entrepreneurship, we want to take the company to a new level in terms of operational and financial performance,” says Oliveira, who founded AGV Logística, is co-founder and President of the Brazilian Logistics Operators Association (Abol) and has 22 years’ experience in the logistics sector.

Cyro Buonavoglia, now on the Board of Directors, says that “Niche is the ideal partner to drive the company’s growth, not only because of their knowledge of the supply chain and technology market but also their management philosophy and business model, focused on creating value with a long-term vision and preserving successful companies’ DNAs and operational autonomy.”

Eliel Fernandes, Buonny’s CEO, says the relationship with SK Tarpon was love at first sight. “In addition to the cultural alignment, Niche’s team has added expertise and investment capacity to Buonny that will be fundamental for this new phase of innovations. Data and people will make a bigger and bigger difference going forward. We want to continue innovating and staying ahead of the market and we could not have found a better partner for this new cycle,” celebrates Fernandes.

About SK Tarpon and Niche Partners

Tarpon offers a new design in which dreams, capital and talent are at the service of entrepreneurship, innovation and business legacies. The expertise accumulated in the company’s 18- year history has created an ecosystem of new fund managers, each focused on a different branch of activity, with dedicated teams and tremendous depth – namely, the SK Tarpon ecosystem. Among the new managers is Niche Partners, founded on a philosophy of partnerships with leading companies in niche markets to enhance and perpetuate their legacies. This strategy maintains brands, cultures and management teams, while Niche’s management team helps companies get to new levels. In addition to leaders, Niche focuses on solid margins, recurring revenue, exceptional management teams, competitive and technological differentials and asset-light business models that generate cash.

About Buonny

A leading road-transport risk management company, Buonny operates in Brazil and other Mercosur countries and currently manages about R$ 400 billion a year in cargo. The company offers technologies and a range of solutions for managing security and logistics operations, with modular and adaptable options for any size and type of logistics project – shippers, transport companies, logistics operators or self-employed drivers.